Andean Volcanism Symposium - June 2-4 2014, in Córdoba , Argentina
From: Jose Viramonte <viramont@xxxxxxxxxxx>Andean Volcanism Symposium - June 2-4 2014, in Córdoba , Argentina
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to participate in the Andean Volcanism Symposium, which will take place during the XIX Argentine Geological Congress, that will be held during June 2-4 2014, in Córdoba Argentina.
in the Frame of the XIX Argentine Geological Congress – 2-6 June – 2014 Cordoba – Argentina
in the Frame of the XIX Argentine Geological Congress – 2-6 June – 2014 Cordoba – Argentina
The knowledge of the Andean and pre-Andean volcanism has increased significantly in recent years due to the growing interest in its different aspects. One of the main issues is the risk associated to volcanic activity that affect society as has been seen in recent years. A growing number of researchers from different specialties have addressed the need to study the different aspects of volcanism and the Andes has been the focus of their research as it is one of the best natural laboratories for this discipline. The aim of THE ANDEAN VOLCANISM SYMPOSIUM is to present progresses and developments in this field, as well as create a suitable forum to discuss different approaches and methodologies applied to the understanding of the volcanic processes associated with the construction of the Andes, from their petrogenesis and geotectonic significance, to the analysis of eruptive and metallogenic processes as well as its associated geothermal fields, all this within a collaborative and interactive environment. Colleagues, research groups, students and fellows working in a wide range of specialities including, but not limited to, Volcanic Stratigraphy, Physic Volcanology, Eruptive mechanism, Monogenetic Volcanism and hydrovolcanism, Calderas, Tephrochronology, Geochronology, Petrology, Metallogenesis and geothermics, Techtonics, Geophysics, etc are invited to participate. Latest research and advances as well as sharing ideas will contribute to integrate different points of view in order to understand the Andean Volcanism processes within the Andean Orogeny framework. Those interested in giving an oral exposition or poster presentation should submit an abstract according to the format and guidelines stated by the Congress organizers (www.congresogeologico.org.ar)
. Please send the Title and Abstract simultaneously to the Organizing Committee (cientifica@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx), stating the submission is for the Simposium de Volcanismo de los Andes, and send a copy to the Simposium VCAndes Organizers (simpvcandes@xxxxxxxxxxxx).
The deadline for submission of abstracts is on 1 NOVEMBER 2013.
José G. Viramonte ( Universidad Nacional de Salta and CONICET)
Beatriz Coira ( Universidad Nacional de Jujuy and CONICET)
Main issues and coordinators:
1) Monogénic Volcanism and hydrovolcanism (facies, eruptive mechanism, petrology)
Coordinators: Corina Risso (corina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and Miguel Haller (haller@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
2) Volcanism and tectónism (techtonic control of the volcanism, geodynamic aspects)
Coordinators: Ivan Petrinovic (ipetrinovic@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) and Silvina Guzmán (guzmansilvina@xxxxxxxxx)
3) Calderas, stratovolcanoes, domes (stratigraphic aspects, evolution, Physic Volcanology, eruptive mechanisms, geochemistry and petrology)
Coordinators: José G. Viramonte, (joseviramonte@xxxxxxxxxxxx) Pablo Caffe, (pabcaffe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and Marcelo Arnosio (chinoarnosio@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
4) Volcanism, metallogenic and geothermics (volcanic-subvolcanics systems, and its relations with mineral deposits and geothermic systems)
Coordinators: Beatriz Coira (bcoira2004@xxxxxxxxxxxx) and Marta Franchini (mfranchini@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
5) Tephrochronology (chronological tracer, ash dispersion modelling, paleoclimatic and paleoecologic aspects, marker beds).
Coordinators: Gustavo Villarosa (gvillarosa@xxxxxxxxx) and Soledad Osores (soledad_osores@xxxxxxxxxxx).
The deadline for submission of abstracts is on 1 NOVEMBER 2013.
José G. Viramonte ( Universidad Nacional de Salta and CONICET)
Beatriz Coira ( Universidad Nacional de Jujuy and CONICET)
Main issues and coordinators:
1) Monogénic Volcanism and hydrovolcanism (facies, eruptive mechanism, petrology)
Coordinators: Corina Risso (corina@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and Miguel Haller (haller@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
2) Volcanism and tectónism (techtonic control of the volcanism, geodynamic aspects)
Coordinators: Ivan Petrinovic (ipetrinovic@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) and Silvina Guzmán (guzmansilvina@xxxxxxxxx)
3) Calderas, stratovolcanoes, domes (stratigraphic aspects, evolution, Physic Volcanology, eruptive mechanisms, geochemistry and petrology)
Coordinators: José G. Viramonte, (joseviramonte@xxxxxxxxxxxx) Pablo Caffe, (pabcaffe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and Marcelo Arnosio (chinoarnosio@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
4) Volcanism, metallogenic and geothermics (volcanic-subvolcanics systems, and its relations with mineral deposits and geothermic systems)
Coordinators: Beatriz Coira (bcoira2004@xxxxxxxxxxxx) and Marta Franchini (mfranchini@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
5) Tephrochronology (chronological tracer, ash dispersion modelling, paleoclimatic and paleoecologic aspects, marker beds).
Coordinators: Gustavo Villarosa (gvillarosa@xxxxxxxxx) and Soledad Osores (soledad_osores@xxxxxxxxxxx).
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