Flat slab subduction in the 27ºS-33ºS Andean segment
From: "Ivan A. Petrinovic" <ipetrinovic@xxxxxxxxx>Flat slab subduction in the 27ºS-33ºS Andean segment
SYMPOSIUM: Flat slab subduction in the 27ºS-33ºS
Andean segment: a multidisciplinary approach
arriving of the aseismic Juan Fernández ridge about 18 Ma has been
related to the flat slab subduction in the Central Andes (27°S-33°S). The horizontalization
of the subducted Nazca slab has caused changes in the thermal structure of this
active margin and the evolution of the South American upper plate; as a
consequence, volcanism and deformation migrated to the foreland.
The Flat Slab Symposium has the main purpose to create
a scientific platform to discuss about the development and evolution of the
central Andean segment in a collaborative and interactive environment. Colleagues,
research groups, students and fellows working in a wide variety of expertise
including but not limited to geocronology, petrology, metallogenesis,
tectonics, geophysics, seismology, basin analyses are invited to participate. Knowing
recent advances and sharing ideas will contribute to integrate different points
of view in order to understand the Andean processes in this flat slab segment
and others, which might be active or have occurred in the past.
Those interested in giving an oral or poster
presentation should submit an abstract according to the format and guidelines
stated by the Congress organizers ( www.congresogeologico.org.ar ). Please
send the Title and Abstract simultaneously to the Organizing
committee ( cientifica@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , making reference to the submission to the Flat Slab
Subduction Symposium) and to the Flat Slab Subduction Organizers as well ( SimposioSH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ).
The deadline for submission of abstracts is on 1 NOVEMBER 2013.
Silvia JAPAS (IGEBA- National University of Buenos
Patricia ALVARADO (CONICET-National University of San
Nilda URBINA (National University of San Luis)
Iván PETRINOVIC (CICTERRA- National University of
Fac Cs Exactas Fis y Naturales (Edificio CICTERRA)
Av. Velez Sarsfield 1611 - Ciudad Universitaria
TEL/FAX: (0351) 5353800 int 30236
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