GSA Meeting 2013 Session T223. Revealing Thermal Histories Using Chronological and Mineralogical Techniques
From: Josh Feldman <jdfeld@xxxxxx>GSA Meeting 2013 Session T223. Revealing Thermal Histories Using Chronological and Mineralogical Techniques
Dear Colleagues ,
As we approach the deadline when everyone is scrambling to write abstracts for GSA and AGU, we wanted to bring this session to your attention.
We are pleased to announce session T223. Revealing Thermal Histories Using Chronological and Mineralogical Techniques, which will be held at the GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, CO (October 27-30, 2013).
Invited Speaker: Peter Zeitler (Lehigh University)
We invite contributions from geological studies that constrain thermal histories of rocks and minerals, including but not limited to igneous/metamorphic petrology, geochronology, and tectonics.
Meeting Website: http://community.geosociety.org/2013AnnualMeeting/Home
Session Description:
Within the last 50 years, many chronological and mineralogical techniques have been developed to decipher the thermal histories of rock packages and regions. These techniques have provided valuable insight into the temperature and duration of thermal events and constrained exhumation rates in different tectonic settings throughout the world. Field and methodological studies have incorporated radiogenic thermochronology or geochronology, accessory mineral thermometry, and/or diffusion length scale modeling to constrain rates of tectonometamorphic and magmatic processes across a large range of time and temperature scales. We invite contributions from field- and lab-based studies that apply or improve geochemical techniques to determine thermal histories. We especially seek studies that incorporate accessory mineral thermometry, high common-Pb phase (e.g titanite, apatite, allanite) thermochronology, medium–low temperature thermochronology (e.g. U-Pb, Ar-Ar, fission track, and (U-Th)/He thermochronology), Sm-Nd or Lu-Hf dating of garnet, and/or diffusion modeling of major or accessory minerals. Priority will be given to contributions that use new and innovative methods.
Jeff Oalmann (University of Kansas)
Spencer Semen (University of Texas at Austin)
Josh Feldman (University of Kansas)
Josh Feldman
Laboratory Manager
Isotope Geochemsitry Laboratory
University of Kansas
2335 Irving Hill Road
Nichols Hall, RM 357
Lawrence, KS 66045
(785) 864-7714
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