GSA Meeting 2013 Session T222. What Can We Learn About Plutons From Volcanic Rocks and What Can We Learn About Volcanoes From Plutonic Rocks?
We would like to draw your attention to Topical Session, T222. “What Can We Learn About Plutons From Volcanic Rocks and What Can We Learn About Volcanoes From Plutonic Rocks?” at the upcoming Geological Society of America meeting in Denver (27 - 30 October, 2013), and encourage you to submit an abstract to the session.
Over the past ten years GSA journals have published key papers that challenge dogma about the origin of plutons. These papers have sparked a dramatic shift in thought about the origin of plutons including their emplacement, differentiation and textural development. This, in turn, sparked a re-evaluation of our accepted understanding of links between plutonic and volcanic rocks. Thus, a session exploring both rock types, and what investigation of each reveals about the other is timely and important.
Invited speakers are Kari Cooper, Lang Farmer and Anita Grunder.
The deadline for abstract submission is August 6th and details on abstract submission can be found here:
Thank you,
-Ryan Mills, Allen Glazner and Drew Coleman
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