AIV International Summer School in Volcanology - extended deadline, 2nd circular and final program
From: Guido Giordano <guido.giordano@xxxxxxxxxxx>AIV International Summer School in Volcanology - extended deadline, 2nd circular and final program
Dear all,
we are pleased to announce the release of the second circular and of the final program for the AIV INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL IN VOLCANOLOGY on EXPLOSIVE VOLCANISM OF ALKALINE-MAFIC MAGMAS, which will be held in Frascati (Roma) 25-29 September 2013. The School is endorsed by the Commission on Explosive Volcanism of IAVCEI.
The Deadline for final registration is now extended to 30th August 2013 and a few places are still available
The 1st and 2nd circulars, the program, travel infos and methods for registration can be viewed and downloaded at www.aivulc.it
Best regards
Guido Giordano and Riccardo Avanzinelli
School Rationale: Explosive volcanism of low viscosity, alkaline and mafic magmas challenges current understanding of mechanisms of magma extraction, volatile exsolution, fragmentation and dispersal of tephra. The school aims at presenting the most recent achievements of current research and to show the variety of approaches as well as interpretations, promoting the open discussion among researchers and students around the several themes presently subject of a lively scientific debate, such as melt generation and transport, the location and structure of the magma reservoir, the origin of volatiles and particularly of CO2, and their role in the explosivity of low viscosity magmas, eruption styles and caldera collapse.
Invited speakers: K. Cashman (University of Bristol); C. Chiarabba (INGV Roma), G. Chiodini (INGV Napoli), R. Cioni (Università di Cagliari), S. Conticelli (Università di Firenze), M.L. Frezzotti (Università di Milano Bicocca), N. Geshi (Japan Geological Survey), M. Menzies (Royal Holloway), L. Pioli (Université de Genève), S. Poli (Università di Milano), C. Romano, R. Scandone and A. Vona (Università Roma Tre)
Fees: 450 euros, include 4 nights accommodation on a double-room basis, breakfast, coffee breaks, lunches and 2 social dinners.
to register go to:
Contacts: guido.giordano@xxxxxxxxxxx, riccardo.avanzinelli@xxxxxxxx
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