2 years PostDoc position in Germany
Dear all,
we ask for applications for a fully funded, 2 years PostDoc position at the Technical University Berlin, Germany. The open position is part of an International PostDoc Initiative (IPODI), co-funded by Marie Curie Program. The successful candidate shall be employed at the Fluid Mechanics and Technical Acoustics department (Joern Sesterhenn, http://www.cfd.tu-berlin.de). In order to stimulate intersectoral and transdisciplinary research we aim for candidates that are interested in linking numerical fluid dynamics and highly energetic processes during explosive volcanic eruptions. In the frame of this project, the successful candidate will collaborate closely with the "Experimental and Physical volcanology group" (Ulrich Kueppers, http://www.en.mineralogie.geowissenschaften.uni-muenchen.de/facilities/frag/index.html) at Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich. We expect an ambitious project proposal by the candidate within this field.
Application conditions:
- female candidate
- the applicant did not reside or carry out her main activity for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the call deadline in Germany
- the research proposal has to fit to the scientific fields of TU Berlin and needs to be submitted with support of a mentor/department of TU Berlin (host institution)
- the applicant holds a PhD with at least 2 years and not more than 10 years research experience after PhD (extension up to 3 years possible if justified)
- the applicant needs to submit two external letters of recommendation and a personal statement describing her career plans and motivation
The candidate will be selected based on
* scientific and personal qualification
* quality of the proposal
* career perspectives
* mentoring aspects
The selection criteria assure that the individual career paths and multiplicity of career decisions are taken into account. Family-related career breaks as well as intersectoral mobility will explicitly be considered positively.
For further information please contact Jörn Sesterhenn (Joern.Sesterhenn@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
submit your complete application (CV, research plan, list of
publications, 2 external letters of recommendation) to Jörn Sesterhenn.
Best regards, Jörn Sesterhenn and Ulrich Kueppers
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