AGU Fall Meeting 2013: Session T008: Continental rifts and rifted margins
From: Tyrone Rooney <tyroner@xxxxxxxxx>AGU Fall Meeting 2013: Session T008: Continental rifts and rifted margins
Hi all,
Session T008 is sponsored by AGU Sections T, S, and V. We welcome contributions related to the study of continental rifts and rifted margins using seismic and other geophysical techniques including geodynamic modeling.
Mechanisms of rift opening are preserved in continental rift zones, while rifted margins provide insights into the transition to seafloor spreading and post-breakup margin evolution. This session focuses on all phases and timescales of the rifting cycle; from earthquakes, eruptions, and intrusions in rifts to the structure of rifted margins. Since rift opening is seldom orthogonal, transtensional (pull-apart) basins and sheared and transform margins form an integral part of the rift suite. We invite presentations that seek to investigate rifting and the transition to seafloor spreading with observations and modeling. Insights from orthogonal, oblique and sheared rift structures, continental rifts, failed rift arms, and rifted margins are welcomed.
Jolante Van Wijk, University of Houston, jwvanwijk@xxxxxx
Tyrone Rooney, Michigan State University. rooneyt@xxxxxxx
Stephen Gao, Missouri University of Science and Technology, sgao@xxxxxxx
Estella Atekwana, Oklahoma State University, estella.atekwana@xxxxxxxxxxx
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