Job Opportunities, Los Alamos Earth and Environmental Sciences
From: Barbara L Dutrow <dutrow@xxxxxxx>Job Opportunities, Los Alamos Earth and Environmental Sciences
Six mid-career job openings in Earth and Environmental Sciences at Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) are below. The full text of each job opportunity can be found on the LANL HR web pages.
We expect the jobs to be open for applications for about another month.
Carl Gable
Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory, a multidisciplinary research institution
engaged in strategic science on behalf of
national security, seeks mid-career scientists for R&D positions in our
Earth and Environmental Sciences Division.
Computational Earth Scientist - Geomechanics, IRC #19552
Computational Earth Scientist - Subsurface Flow and Transport Modeling,
IRC #18152
Computational Earth Scientist - Atmospheric Phenomenology, IRC #18512
Geochemists - IRC #19613 [2 positions]
Geophysicist - IRC #19512
To apply, visit https://jobs.lanl.gov or visit http://careers.lanl.gov
and enter desired job title
in keyword field, referencing IRC #.
Los Alamos National Laboratory, a multidisciplinary research institution
engaged in strategic science on behalf of national security, seeks
mid-career scientists for R&D positions in our Earth and Environmental
Sciences Division. The mission of the Earth and Environmental Sciences
(EES) Division is to solve complex problems of national importance in
environment, energy, and national security using our capabilities in
earth and environmental sciences. The Division is a multi-program
research organization with an overall staff of approximately 240. The
core disciplines of EES Division include Geology, Geochemistry,
Geophysics, Geomaterials, Geography, Hydrology, Atmospheric Science,
Ecology, Environmental Science, Computational Science and Geotechnical
Engineering. Capabilities in the Division are organized into groups,
which consist of scientists, post-docs, technicians, administrators, and
students. Most programs within the Division feature multi-discipline
teams organized to solve complex problems of national importance.
Dr. Carl W. Gable
Group Leader, Computational Earth Science, EES-16
MS T003, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos NM 87545
Email:gable@xxxxxxxx Voice:505-665-3533 Fax:505-665-8737
Homepage: http://www.ees.lanl.gov/staff/gable
LaGriT Mesh Generation Software: http://lagrit.lanl.gov
Mesh Generation, Geological Apps: http://meshing.lanl.gov
Focus:Geophysics, Hydrology, Mesh Generation, Computational Geometry
Schedule B
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Dr. Carl W. Gable
Group Leader, Computational Earth Science, EES-16
MS T003, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos NM 87545
Email:gable@xxxxxxxx Voice:505-665-3533 Fax:505-665-8737
Homepage: http://www.ees.lanl.gov/staff/gable
LaGriT Mesh Generation Software: http://lagrit.lanl.gov
Mesh Generation, Geological Apps: http://meshing.lanl.gov
Focus:Geophysics, Hydrology, Mesh Generation, Computational Geometry
Schedule B
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/Correspondence / TSPA\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
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