Post-doc position in the Statistical Analysis of Volcanic Data-streams, Oxford, UK
From: David Pyle <David.Pyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Post-doc position in the Statistical Analysis of Volcanic Data-streams, Oxford, UK
Vacancy for a 2 year Post-doctoral Research Assistant in the Statistical Analysis of Volcanic Data-streams, based in the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford.
Closing date for applications: 21 June 2013.
Starting date: negotiable, but the post is available immediately.
We are looking for a researcher to work on the statistical analysis of real-time volcanic data-streams within the NERC-ESRC project ‘Strengthening Resilience in Volcanic Areas, STREVA, www.streva.ac.uk’. The PDRA will work with researchers in the UK and at volcano observatories overseas. The PDRA will investigate best practice for real-time processing, analysis and integration of data streams; and will apply new statistical tools and signal-processing techniques to archive volcano data to assess the potential for developing automated operational alert systems for monitoring.
There may be opportunities to engage in teaching including lectures and small-group teaching of undergraduates and graduate students and supervising Masters projects. Candidates should have at least a Bachelors degree and PhD in a relevant area (e.g., statistics, applied mathematics, volcanology). Applications will be accepted from candidates close to completing their doctoral thesis.
The post will be based in Earth Sciences, with collaborations with colleagues in Statistics (Oxford, and Imperial College, London) and within the broader UK network on Probability, Uncertainty and Risk in the Environment.
You can find full details of the post, and how to apply at http://www.earth.ox.ac.uk/vacancies/106582
Informal enquiries to david.pyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx or tamsin.mather@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Professor David Pyle
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3AN UK
Tel: (+44) 01865 272048
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