International Volcanological Field School
From: "Pavel Izbekov" <pavel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>International Volcanological Field School
Dear colleagues and friends,
We have one open vacancy for the forthcoming field trip to Katmai, June 9-22. The trip is offered as a 3-credit class through UAF and serves as an introduction to volcanology. It provides an opportunity to visit the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes and discuss volcanic processes using the 1912 eruption at Katmai as one of the examples.
We can accept up to 5 more participants for the forthcoming field trip to Kamchatka, August 2-15. This is also a 3-credit class through UAF featuring full spectrum of volcanic processes and corresponding products at Mutnovsky and Gorely volcanoes.
The International Volcanological Field School is a collaborative educational project of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, the Kamchatkan Branch of the Geophysical Survey, and the Kamchatka State University. Initiated in 2003, class attracts 30-40 students each year.
Information on the trips can be found at http://www.uaf.edu/geology/academics/international-volcanology/ and also at our Facebook page
Please share this announcement with your students and friends, who might be interested in our field trips!
Best regards,
Pavel Izbekov
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