Nominations for EGU Tectonics and Structural Geology Awards
From: Olivier Galland <olivier.galland@xxxxxxxxxx>Nominations for EGU Tectonics and Structural Geology Awards
Dear colleagues,
Please take a moment to think of colleagues that deserves recognition of
their scientific contributions! The EGU is now accepting nominations for
the Union Arthur Holmes medal, the Stephan Mueller medal for the
Tectonics and Structural Geology (TS) Division, and the division
Outstanding Young Scientist awards.
EGU medals are not only a recognition of scientific achievement, but can
also add significant strength to the career of a young colleague. I therefore
would like to ask you to think about the possibility to submit a
nomination for the 2014 awards. The deadline is 15 June 2013.
Nomination packages are not that demanding. Please find details on:
Please note that self-nominations are not accepted and that awards will
only be given when a minimum of two nominations were submitted. This has
not been a problem for our division, but we depend on your help to keep
up the prestigious character of our awards!
EGU awards for the Tectonics community are:
(1) The Arthur Holmes Medal. This forms one of the three equally-ranked
most prestigious awards made by the EGU, and is reserved for scientists
who have achieved exceptional international standing in Solid Earth
Geosciences, defined in their widest senses, for their merit and their
scientific achievements.
(2) The Stephan Mueller medal of the Tectonics and Structural Geology
Division. This medal is reserved for mid-career scientists in
recognition of their outstanding contributions to Tectonics and
Lithospheric Geophysics.
(3) The TS Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award. This award
recognizes scientific achievements in the field of Tectonics and
Structural Geology, made by a young scientist. The Division awardees
compete for the Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists.
Thank you in advance for your help and support!
With best wishes,
Olivier Galland
Dear colleagues,
Please take a moment to think of colleagues that deserves recognition of
their scientific contributions! The EGU is now accepting nominations for
the Union Arthur Holmes medal, the Stephan Mueller medal for the
Tectonics and Structural Geology (TS) Division, and the division
Outstanding Young Scientist awards.
EGU medals are not only a recognition of scientific achievement, but can
also add significant strength to the career of a young colleague. I therefore
would like to ask you to think about the possibility to submit a
nomination for the 2014 awards. The deadline is 15 June 2013.
Nomination packages are not that demanding. Please find details on:
Please note that self-nominations are not accepted and that awards will
only be given when a minimum of two nominations were submitted. This has
not been a problem for our division, but we depend on your help to keep
up the prestigious character of our awards!
EGU awards for the Tectonics community are:
(1) The Arthur Holmes Medal. This forms one of the three equally-ranked
most prestigious awards made by the EGU, and is reserved for scientists
who have achieved exceptional international standing in Solid Earth
Geosciences, defined in their widest senses, for their merit and their
scientific achievements.
(2) The Stephan Mueller medal of the Tectonics and Structural Geology
Division. This medal is reserved for mid-career scientists in
recognition of their outstanding contributions to Tectonics and
Lithospheric Geophysics.
(3) The TS Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award. This award
recognizes scientific achievements in the field of Tectonics and
Structural Geology, made by a young scientist. The Division awardees
compete for the Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists.
Thank you in advance for your help and support!
With best wishes,
Olivier Galland
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