REMINDER: IAVCEI 2013 related workshop 07 -- ‘RHEA: A collaborative database for rheological magmatic properties’
From: Cordonnier Benoit <benoit.cordonnier@xxxxxxxxxxxx>REMINDER: IAVCEI 2013 related workshop 07 -- ‘RHEA: A collaborative database for rheological magmatic properties’
Dear all;
The deadline approaching (tomorrow), we wished to remind you the following workshop: IAVCEI 2013 related workshop 07:‘RHEA: A collaborative database for rheological magmatic properties’.
Benoit Cordonnier (benoit.cordonnier@xxxxxxxxxxxx),
Antonio Costa (antonio.costa@xxxxxxxxxx)
Hidemi Ishibashi (shishib@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
IAVCEI 2013 related workshop 07:
‘RHEA: A collaborative database for rheological magmatic properties’
Accurate prediction of the behaviour of volcanic systems requires understanding how magma flows. Magma rheology establishes the constitutive law commonly used in numerical modeling and is fundamental for research or hazard assessment. Rheology of two phase magmas (i.e. Melt + bubbles or Melt + crystals) reached a degree of global comprehension which allows tackling the last major step, three phase magmas rheology. However, beyond the positive progress new questions have raised and some questions remain to be solved. Among these questions are the rheology at low strain-rate, the impact and limits of crystal rigidity, strain/stress localization, stability of bubbles or the real sources of Non-Newtonian behavior.
Rheological results are partly dependent on methods, materials and strain-rates used. Each laboratory has favorite methodology, calculation methods or regime of flow. It sometimes generates absolute values that differ of a half order magnitude from one place to the other and makes comparison difficult.
With the present working-group we wish to namely, 1- reference and archive previous works on magma rheology into an open database operating under the best of nowadays possibilities in terms of analysis and communication, 2- gather each year all specialists of the field to discuss domains of investigation and define the hard-lines which require strong focus, 3- Increase collaboration and efficiency of teams sharing similar interests.
We aim to gather the experience and knowledge of the various laboratories worldwide often widespread among the various specialties of geology. We propose a one-day workshop on Thursday, July 25th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. focusing on a collaborative effort on a magmatic rheological database and from it, defining the domains and conditions where efforts are needed. The workshop program will include:
1) a general morning session with a brief introduction/presentation of the database state, its current use and functions and planned improvements.
2) a two-hour group session in the afternoon with open discussions on the present state of the art in two-phase rheology and.
3) a general wrap-up and conclusions of the group session with an announcement of the first official meeting of the RHEA-rheological working group.
All information about the workshop can be found on the IAVCEI 2013 website at
http://www.iavcei2013.com/related_meetings/related_meetings.html#W07. Participants of the workshop are also highly encourage to join the new Vhub group about ‘benchmarking volcanic mass flow models’ at https://vhub.org/groups/rhea to get updates and related documentation about this collaborative effort.
Registration is free but must be completed by May 1st. To register, please e-mail Benoit Cordonnier (benoit.cordonnier@xxxxxxxxxxxx), Antonio Costa (antonio.costa@xxxxxxxxxx) or Hidemi Ishibashi (shishib@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) (with your full name and affiliation).
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