Just Published Book on Volcano Monitoring
From: "V. Zobin" <vzobin@xxxxxxx>Just Published Book on Volcano Monitoring
Dear All,
This is the information about a new book on volcano monitoring ("Complex Monitoring of Volcanic Activity: Methods and Results") that is just published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. , N.Y.
You can visit https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=39353 to order it with online discount.
”Complex Monitoring of Volcanic Activity: Methods and Results”, Series: Earth Sciences in the 21st Century, Geology and Mineralogy Research Developments
Editor: Vyacheslav M. Zobin (Observatorio Vulcanológico, Universidad de Colima, Colima, México)
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., N.Y., 2013, 194 p. ISBN: 978-1-62417-985-3
Binding: Hardcover
Retail Price: $150.00, 10% Online Discount, You Pay: $135.00
Book Description: Volcanic activity represents a great hazard for rising populations and international air traffic over volcanic regions. This book consists of the collection of papers devoted to monitoring volcanic activity with seismic, acoustic, geodetic, and video observations, and the catalogs of volcanic eruptions. The volcanoes, representing the subject of these observations (Bezymianny, Etna, Karymsky, Kizimen, Sakurajima, Sheveluch, Stromboli, Popocatépetl, Puracé, Volcán de Colima), are between the most active on our Earth. A special attention is applied to quantification of volcanic explosions from the seismic and acoustic records and the estimation of the height of eruption plumes of Vulcanian explosions from the seismic records. Monitoring volcanic eruptions and their forecasting based on the changes in the spectral characteristics of volcanic tremor, on the statistical analysis of appearance of Strombolian explosions, and on the analysis of historical eruption time series are discussed. The process of lava dome building in the crater of volcano and associated deformation of volcanic edifice derived from continuous geodetic and video observations is a subject of this book also. Analysis of the resolution of different-scale geodetic observations at the active volcano, using remote sensing and ground-based techniques during monitoring short-term volcanic events, such as Vulcanian explosions, and long-term volcanic events, such as the effusive and explosive stages of eruptions and the general tendencies in the development of the volcanic structure is done. Finally, this book reviews the seismic activity associated with the geothermal appearance of volcanic activity.
The book is addressed to the specialists in geology, geophysics, and volcanology as well as to the University students of these specialties.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Quantification of the 1999 Vulcanian Explosions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan from Broadband Seismic Records
(Vyacheslav M. Zobin, Takeshi Tameguri and Masato Iguchi, Observatorio Vulcanológico, Universidad de Colima, Colima, México, and others)
Chapter 2. Observation of Vulcanian Explosions with Seismic and Acoustic Data at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico
(Raúl Arámbula-Mendoza, Nicholas Varley, Juárez-García B. Alonso-Rivera, Hernández-Joffre and Carlos Valdés-González, Observatorio Vulcanológico, Universidad de Colima, Colima, México, and others)
Chapter 3. Experience of the Detection of Ash Plume and Estimation of its Height using Local Seismicity for Kamchatkan Volcanoes during 2003-2011 (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia)
(Sergey Senyukov, Svetlana Droznina, and Tatiana Kozhevnikova, Kamchatkan Branch of Geophysical Survey RAS, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia)
Chapter 4. Volcano Monitoring and Early Warning on Mt. Etna, Sicily Based on Volcanic Tremor: Methods and Technical Aspects
(Marcello D'Agostino, Giuseppe Di Grazia, Ferruccio Ferrari, Horst Langer, Alfio Messina, Danilo Reitano and Salvatore Spampinato, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Catania, Italy)
Chapter 5. From the Standard Strombolian Activity to the Volcanic Crises at Stromboli, Italy: An Overview of the Seismic Signatures
(Germana Buccheri, Enza De Lauro, Salvatore De Martino, Mariarosaria Falanga and Mauro Palo, Salerno University, Fisciano, Italy, and others)
Chapter 6. Volcanic Hazard Assessment of Puracé Volcano, Columbia, Based on Statistical Survival Analysis of the Historical Eruption Record: A Tutorial
(Yvonne Dzierma, SFB 574 and Christian-Albrechts-Universitä
t Kiel, Germany)
Chapter 7. Resolution of Different-Scale Deformation Data Measured at Volcanoes and its Importance for Eruption Monitoring: Volcán De Colima, México
(Vyacheslav M. Zobin, Juan José Ramírez, Hydyn Santiago, Eliseo Alatorre, Carlos Navarro, and Mauricio Bretón, Observatorio Vulcanológico, Universidad de Colima, Colima, México)
Chapter 8. The 2007-2012 Lava Dome Growth in the Crater of Volcán De Colima, México, Derived from Video Monitoring Systems
(Mauricio Bretón, Arnoldo Campos, Zoraida León, Imelda Plascencia and Juan José Ramírez, Observatorio Vulcanológico, Universidad de Colima, Colima, México)
Chapter 9. Seismic Signals Associated with Geothermal Activity within Volcanic Environment
(Vyacheslav M. Zobin, Observatorio Vulcanológico, Universidad de Colima, Colima, México)
Dr. Vyacheslav M. Zobin
Profesor Investigador Titular C
Observatorio Vulcanologico
Universidad de Colima
Calle Manuel Payno 209
Colima, Col., 28017
Tel. 52-312-3161134
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