7 May, new deadline CVL8-Japan
From: Dmitri Rouwet <dmitrirouwet@xxxxxxxxx>
Dear all,
The abstract submission and grant application deadline for the upcoming CVL8 Workshop on Volcanic Lakes is postponed until TUESDAY 7 MAY 2013.
Abstracts and the grant form should be send to Takeshi Ohba by email: cvl8japan@xxxxxxxxx
For more information on abstract format and the grant application form, visit:
7 May, new deadline CVL8-Japan
From: Dmitri Rouwet <dmitrirouwet@xxxxxxxxx>
Dear all,
The abstract submission and grant application deadline for the upcoming CVL8 Workshop on Volcanic Lakes is postponed until TUESDAY 7 MAY 2013.
Abstracts and the grant form should be send to Takeshi Ohba by email: cvl8japan@xxxxxxxxx
For more information on abstract format and the grant application form, visit:
Your crater lake research is very welcome!
Hope to meet you at Aso.
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