Reports of WMO Volcanic Ash Workshop & ICAO International Airways Volcano Watch Operations Group meetings in March
From: Andrew Tupper <
Dear colleagues,
Last month, two volcanic ash and
aviation meetings were held that may be of interest to list members. By
way of explanation.... every 18 months, the International Civil
Aviation Organization's International Airways Volcano
Watch Operations Group (IAVWOPSG) meets at an ICAO Regional Office (in
this case, Bangkok, Thailand) to discuss operational matters relevant to
volcano ash and aviation (and also a few other matters). The recent
practice has been that, at around the same time
as every second meeting (ie every 3 years), a WMO Volcanic Ash Workshop
is held in a nearby location (in this case, Citeko, Java, Indonesia),
to discuss relevant scientific matters. These are not large open
conferences - the idea is to have enough experts
representing the scientific community to interact with VAAC managers
and other interested parties, many of whom are also deeply involved in
operational discussions. The last such Workshop, held in Santiago in
March 2010, made several very important recommendations
immediately prior to the Eyjafjallajökull crisis that turned out to be highly relevant during that event.
So... the report of the March 2013 WMO workshop on volcanic ash is now posted at:
The WMO Report is relatively brief but
contains summaries of discussions and abstracts of the presentations,
and the ICAO report is very substantial, building as it does on an
enormous amount of work done in the past three
best regards, Andrew Tupper
Dr Andrew Tupper
| Centre Director (acting)
National Meteorological & Oceanographic Centre
GPO Box 1289 Melbourne VIC 3001
Level 6, 700 Collins Street, Docklands VIC 3008
Tel: +61 3 9669 4030 | a.tupper@xxxxxxxxxx
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