2013 Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research
From: "Dzurisin, Daniel" <dzurisin@xxxxxxxx>
Announcing the 2013 Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research
The Community Foundation for Southwest Washington announces that the following students have been awarded 2013 Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research. Jack Kleinman was a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) employee at the David. A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory who died in a kayaking accident in 1994. By supporting field-oriented research projects in volcanology, the Kleinman Grants memorialize Jack’s exuberance for fieldwork, volcanoes, and the natural world. During the past 18 years, the program has helped dozens of aspiring volcanologists who seek to learn more about volcanoes and how they work.
Adam LeWinter is an M.S. candidate at the University of Northern Colorado who is working with Dr. Steven Anderson and staff members at the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) to document changes in the Overlook Vent at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, using ground-based LiDAR. Adam conducted LiDAR surveys of the vent area and its active lava lake in February 2012, July 2012, and January 2013. Comparison of the results revealed changes in the lava lake level, enlargement of the vent cavity due to frequent rock falls, and modifications to the lake size and surrounding lava ledges due to accretion and collapse. With support from a 2013 Kleinman Grant for Volcano Research, Adam will conduct an additional LiDAR survey of the vent area in August 2013 and analyze results in consultation with HVO staff.
Madison Myers is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Oregon who is working with her adviser, Dr. Paul Wallace, in collaboration with Dr. Colin Wilson of Victoria University of Wellington and Dr. Jake Lowenstern, Scientist-in-Charge at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, on a melt inclusion study of the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff (HRT) at the Yellowstone caldera. Madison’s study is designed to address a question that has arisen concerning the ages of three eruptive units within the tuff, which have long been thought to represent a single very large eruption. However, recently obtained high precision radiometric dates suggest that at least one of the units is distinctly different in age, which implies that the HRT is the product of at least two separate eruptions. By studying the concentrations of gases trapped in melt inclusions in each of the three units, Madison hopes to distinguish between the two alternative eruption scenarios.
Wan-Ning Wu is an M.S. candidate at the University of California, Los Angeles, who is working with her adviser, Dr. Axel Schmitt, in collaboration with USGS Volcano Science Center geologist Dr. Tom Sisson, to develop a new method for dating young lava flows in the Cascade Range and elsewhere. Wan-Ning proposes to use baddeleyite, a common accessory mineral in silica-undersaturated magmas, as a chronometer to date the andesite of Burroughs Mountain on the northeast side of Mount Rainier in Washington State. These lavas have been difficult to date with conventional techniques because their low potassium concentrations give low yields of radiogenic argon. Wan-Ning will use Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to analyze baddeleyite grains in samples of plutonic xenoliths and the host lavas, which she will collect during a field campaign with Dr. Sisson, to better determine the age of the andesite of Burroughs Mountain and potentially other flows at Mount Rainier and Mount Baker.
Congratulations to this year’s Kleinman Grant
recipients. We look forward to hearing about your results at scientific
meetings and reading about them in the research literature.
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