Goldschmidt Conference: Session 7e Vapor Phse Mobility in Arc Volcanic Systems
From: Michael Rowe <michael.rowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to this session at Goldschmidt this year (Florence Italy, Aug 25-30). We hope to see you there.
Vapor Phase Mobility in Arc Volcanic Systems (session 7e)
Adam Kent,
Andreas Audetat, Michael Rowe
The exsolution of vapor in arc magmas drives magma ascent and eruption,
but there is still great uncertainty in where vapor forms, how it
migrates through the magmatic plumbing system and crust, how it affects
explosive vigor, and the fluxes involved. Moreover,
new techniques are providing evidence for the vapor-phase mobility of a
range of metals and other components in shallow volcanic systems. These
processes have important implications for ore genesis, eruption
dynamics and magmatic evolution. We solicit contributions
that provide constraints on vapor exsolution and transport, either via
measurements, experimental or numerical approaches.
Abstract deadline April 12, 2013. Further information about the meeting can be found at ( )
Michael Rowe, Andreas Audetat, and Adam Kent
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