Surtsey 50th Anniversary Conference, August 12-15, Iceland
From: "Páll Einarsson" <palli@xxxxx>
Surtsey 50th Anniversary Conference[BDS1]
Geological and Biological Development of Volcanic Islands
12 – 15 August 2013
Reykjavik, Iceland
The Surtsey Research Society is pleased to invite you to participate in the Surtsey 50th Anniversary Conference that will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland from 12th to 15th of August 2013. The conference will be an open, international event with English as an official languge. Researchers studying geological and biological processes as well as conservation of volcanic islands and related systems around the world are encouraged to participate and present their research at the conference.
Conference office: Iceland Travel, Skutuvogur 13A, 104 Reykjavik, Iceland.
Phone: +354 585 4300; Fax +354 585 4390; Email: conferences@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Conference web site:
Important dates in 2013
· February 15 Registration and Abstract submission opens
· April 1 Early registration deadline
· May 1 Abstract deadline
· August 12-15 Conference days
· August 16-17 Post-conference excursion (optional)
· October 1 Deadline for submission of papers
For conference program, fees, venue and travel arrangements, see website.
Key-note speakers are: Nemesio Perez, Haraldur Sigurðsson, Sveinn P. Jakobsson, Patrick McKeever, Robert Whittaker, Stephen C. Jewett, Tim New, and Borgþór Magnússon.
Field excursions to Heimaey and the South Iceland volcanoes.
National Organizing Committee, Chair: Borgþór Magnússon, Icel. Inst. Nat. Hist.; Email: borghtor@xxxxx
Interntional Scientific Committee, Chair: Páll Einarsson, Univ. of Iceland, Inst. Earth Sci. ; Email: palli@xxxxx
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