PDRA position(s) in isotope geochemistry at Durham University
From: "WILLIAMS H." <h.m.williams2@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
****PDRA position(s) in isotope geochemistry at Durham University****
Applicants are invited to apply for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant position as part of the European Research Council (ERC) funded project "HabitablePlanet". HabitablePlanet is funded for five years from January 2013 and will investigate the roles that core formation, plate tectonics and the recycling of material into the deep mantle have played in the chemical evolution of the Earth. This project will address these issues by studying variations in newly-developed, novel stable isotope systems in samples of the Earth's mantle, primitive and differentiated meteorites and metal-silicate experiments that simulate the conditions of core formation. This post is one of two Postdoctoral Research Assistants and two PhD studentships (https://www.dur.ac.uk/earth.sciences/postgraduate/research-programmes/phd-projects/) with the HabitablePlanet project and provides a unique opportunity for an individual to work within an innovative and dynamic research team at the Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University. Initial appointment will be for 2 years; funding may be available for a further 2 years.
The Department of Earth Sciences has extensive new facilities for chemistry and mass spectrometry including newly refurbished clean laboratories, a thermal ionisation mass spectrometer (Thermo Triton TIMS) and Plasma Source Multicollector ICP-MS (Thermo NEPTUNE), with funding secured for both new TIMs and MC-ICP-MS instruments, to be delivered in 2013. For trace element measurement there are 3 ICP-MS instruments, including fast scanning high resolution (Element 2), a low noise collision cell (Thermo XSERIES 2) instruments, with a new ICP-AES to be delivered in 2013.
Candidates should have research experience in analytical isotope geochemistry, and hold (or be near to completing) a PhD in geochemistry, geology or a related area of Earth Sciences.
Interested applicants are also encouraged to contact Dr. Helen Williams (h.m.williams2@xxxxxxxxxxxx) for further information.
You can apply for this post online at - https://ig5.i-grasp.com/fe/tpl_durham01.asp?newms=jj&id=79282
Dr Helen M. Williams
Senior Lecturer
Durham University
Department of Earth Sciences
Durham, DH1 3LE, UK
Tel: +44 (0)191 334 2546
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