IAVCEI session 2-2c. Imaging volcanoes and geothermal systems with muon radiography
From: Jo Gottsmann <j.gottsmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
We encourage you to submit an abstract to session
2-2c. Imaging volcanoes and geothermal systems with muon radiography
at the 2013 IAVCEI General Assembly, to be held in Kagoshima, Japan, July 20-24.
The purpose of this session is to stimulate an interdisciplinary approach by applying techniques developed from high energy elementary particle research to the study of volcanoes and geothermal systems. A geophysical approach to a volcano has long been dominated by continuum mechanics and electromagnetism, largely disregarding the potential benefits that knowledge of particle physics has to augment existing techniques. The principle of the new technique that will be discussed in this session is that by measuring absorption of high energy elementary particles called muons along different nearly horizontal paths through a solid body, one can deduce the density distribution in the interior of the object. The measurements would be ideal for studying the shallow structure of the crust at sites which cannot be well resolved because of their strong structural heterogeneity and potential difficulty to be accessed, and which therefore cannot have their structure determined by conventi
onal electromagnetic or seismic techniques. Our objective is to strengthen collaboration across discipline borders and supplement the current procedures associated with current geophysical data collection. During this session we aim to strengthen understanding and partnership particularly between particle physicists and volcanologists. The speakers in this session will present ways in which they have implemented an interdisciplinary approach as a strategy in their particular fields along with an account of their proposed or ongoing studies. Fields of the expected contributors include particle physicists, geophysicists and geochemists.
The conveners:
Hiroyuki Tanaka (Earthquake Research Institute, Japan)
Cristina Carloganu (LPC Clermont Ferrand, France)
Jo Gottsmann (Univ. Bristol, UK)
Glyn Williams-Jones (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Tony Hurst (GNS, New Zealand)
Paolo Strolin (Univ. Napoli, Italy)
Dr. J. Gottsmann
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Dr. J. Gottsmann
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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