AGU Session V15: Layered Intrusions
From: Madeleine Humphreys <mcsh2@xxxxxxxxx>
Dear all,
May we remind you about the forthcoming AGU session V15 on Layered Intrusions, outlined below. We hope that many of you will be able to attend, and will submit an abstract to the session. Abstract submission is open and the deadline for submissions is next week, 3rd September, 23:59 Eastern Daylight Time. Please do not hesitate to contact any of the conveners if you have a query regarding the session.
Best regards,
Madeleine Humphreys
(with apologies for cross-posting)
*V15: Layered Intrusions*
Invited speakers:
Craig Lundstrom
Rais Latypov
Alan Boudreau
Alex McBirney
Layered intrusions represent a fascinating and complex manifestation of
magma crystallisation and differentiation. They represent a key link
between magma source and surface eruption, and can have significant
economic impact through the development of mineral deposits. The study
of layered intrusions brings together field geology, numerical and
analogue modelling, fluid dynamics, experimental petrology and
geochemical and textural study. Recent experimental, textural and
geochemical work has highlighted the need for an integrated approach in
order to constrain the underlying processes that control solidification,
melt migration and efficiency of differentiation in mafic magma
chambers. We encourage contributions that seek to advance our
understanding of processes that control the development of layered
intrusions, through integrated studies from any specialism.
Madeleine Humphreys (mcsh2@xxxxxxxxx)
Christian Tegner (christian.tegner@xxxxxxxxx)
Marian Holness (marian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Charles Lesher (celesher@xxxxxxxxxxx)
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