Janet Mike Tanaka <jmtanaka@xxxxxxxxx>
Dear "Sisters",
My conscience has been telling me that I need to tell you who have
contributed to my book/ manuscript of the above name about my lack of
progress. I do have the first rough draft done, but had to set it aside
for a time-sensitive project.
I am writing Rocky Crandell's authorized biography. We are working
together on it, and having a good time. However--I must be realistic.
Rocky is 84 years old and in failing health. His memory is failing and
he has had one heart attack --and another could come at any time. I
really want him to have a chance to read the complete manuscript.
And that's why I've put Vulcan's Daughters aside for the time being. I
know you'll understand. I should be able to restart it in October. If
you have contributed information, perhaps you'd like to bring me up to
date on the material you've sent me over the past few years. New
addresses, husbands, kids, degrees, assignments, publications,
adventures, discoveries, etc.....If you haven't been involved and would
like to be, email me and I'll send the basic questionniare and interview
questions. I'm hoping to finish a second (and final ?) draft by the end
of the year.
For those who don't know me, I'm a retired geologic hazards management
planning consultant. My specialty was volcanoes and earthquakes. I'm now
a freelance writer, editor, and lecturer. I'm a member of IAVCEI and
AWG. But I'm just too old (71) to do the multi-tasking thing anymore.
Janet M. Tanaka
"God...reveals Himself in the harmony of all that exists."
A. Einstein
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