Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, March 2007

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Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network
Volume 32, Number 3, March 2007

Nyamuragira (DR Congo) November 2006 eruption produces extensive lava flows
Nyiragongo (DR Congo) Summit lava lake persists; studies on volcano, and Lake 
Kivu gases
Etna (Italy) Eruptions continue in April 2007
Dukono (Indonesia) Early 2007 ash plume and occasional thermal anomalies
Semeru (Indonesia) Minor ash eruptions continue into February 2007
Ritter Island (Papua New Guinea) Small eruptions, in 2002 and another in 
October 2006
Tinakula (Solomon Islands) Thermal anomalies suggest eruptions, but field 
reports absent
Heard (S Indian Ocean) Thermal anomalies ~ 300 m apart may suggest two vents
Ruapehu (New Zealand) Crater lake tephra dam bursts on 18 March 2007
Unnamed (East Pacific Rise near 9°50'N) Fresh lava flows documented along ridge 
for over 15 km
Shiveluch (Kamchatka Peninsula) Ash plumes continued through at least April 2007

Editors: Rick Wunderman, Edward Venzke, and Sally Kuhn Sennert
Volunteer Staff: Robert Andrews, Hugh Replogle, Michael Young, Paul Berger, 
Jerome Hudis, Jacquelyn Gluck, Margo Morell, Stephen Bentley, Antonia 
Bookbinder, and Jeremy Bookbinder

Democratic Republic of Congo
1.408°S, 29.20°E; summit elev. 3,058 m

Nyamuragira last began erupting on 27 November 2006 (BGVN 32:01). Figure 1 
shows lava flows from the November eruption based on available observations as 
of 2 December 2006. The flows were on the outer SE flank and covered extensive 

Figure 1. A preliminary sketch map made by the Goma Volcanological Observatory 
on 2 December 2006 showing lava flows from the eruption site of Nyamuragira 
during its November 2006 eruption. Nymuragira (top) is abotu 10 km from 
Nyiragongo (right). Courtesy of Jacques Durieux.

This map gives only the broad context of the flows' locations and movements; 
more detailed mapping was curtailed by armed conflict and a lack of security in 
the region. The flows were also the source of thermal infrared emissions. A 
recent article by Tedesco and others (2007) included a geologic map of the 
region (see Nyiragongo report below).

MODIS/MODVOLC data. The description of the 2006 eruption in BGVN 32:01 did not 
report MODIS satellite thermal anomalies for this eruption as the measured 
anomalies all fell S of the Nyamuragira crater, covering much of the area 
between Nyamuragira and Nyiragongo. Further analysis of the University of 
Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) MODIS Hotspot Alert 
website data revealed that most of a year's anomalies (mid-April 2006 to mid-
April 2007) between the two volcanos were measured during the period mid-
November to mid-December 2006, probably related to the eruption of Nyamuragira 
that began on 27 November 2006.

A compilation of MODIS thermal anomalies for 1 year, 19 April 2006-16 April 
2007 (figure 2), shows both a typical concentration of nearly daily anomalies 
over Nyiragongo resulting from the lava lake within the volcano's main crater, 
and also a considerable number of anomalies between Nyiragongo and nearby 
Nyamuragira (albeit, none over the Nyamuragira crater). Figure 3 shows thermal 
anomalies measured by MODIS for three 1- month periods: 22 October-18 November 
2006; 20 November-18 December 2006; and 20 December 2006-17 January 2007, and 4 
December 2006. Most of the anomalies seen between Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira 
during the year occurred in the mid-November to mid-December 2006 time frame. 
An analysis of the chronological tabulation of anomaly pixels during this 30-
day period showed a concentration from 27 November to 16 December. Typical 
monthly patterns of thermal anomalies show a concentration over the Nyiragongo 
crater lava lake.

Figure 2. Map showing MODIS/MODVOLC thermal anomalies in the region of 
Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira measured during 1 year, from 19 April 2006 to 16 
April 2007. Courtesy of HIGP MODIS Hotspot Alert System.
Anomalies measured on 4 December 2006 (figure 3) appeared along a line nearly 
perpendicular to a line between the volcanos and about equidistant to the two 
volcanoes. Rob Wright reported that this linear anomaly corresponded to an 
extensive lava flow. It was seen for several days prior to and after 4 December 
in the same region between Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira.

Figure 3. Map showing MODIS/MODVOLC thermal anomalies in the region of 
Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira measured during selected intervals between 22 
October 2006 and 17 January 2007. Courtesy of HIGP MODIS Hotspot Alert System.

Wright noted that if one looks at the position and orientation of the pattern 
of thermal anomaly pixels, it seems to vary over the period. This variation 
could result from a combination of factors, including: (1) clouds--an apparent 
shape/ orientation of the anomaly can be induced by the fact that some portions 
of the flow-field may have been obscured at the moment of image acquisition; 
(2) sensor zenith angle-the data for 4 December 2006 were acquired when the 
satellite was within 1 to 16° of being directly overhead, whereas on other days 
(i.e. 1 December 2006) the lava flow field was at the edge of the image swath 
(i.e. at an angle of about 60°); at these extreme scan angles the pixel 
geolocation becomes less accurate (and the pixels increase in size, to about 2 
by 4 km).

References: Tedesco, D., Badiali, L., Boschi, E., Papale, P., Tassi, F., 
Vaselli, O., Kasereka, C., Durieux, J., Denatale, G., Amato, A., Cattaneo, M., 
Ciraba, H., Chirico, G., Delladio, A., Demartin, M., Favalli, G., Franceschi, 
D., Lauciani, V., Mavonga, G., onachesi, G., Pagliuca, N.M., Sorrentino, D., 
and Yalire, M., 2007, Cooperation on Congo Volcanic and Environmental Risks, 
EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 88, no. 16, p. 177, 181.

Geologic Summary. Africa's most active volcano, Nyamuragira is a massive high-
potassium basaltic shield volcano that rises about 25 km north of Lake Kivu 
across the broad East African Rift Valley NW of Nyiragongo volcano. 
Nyamuragira, also known as Nyamulagira, has a volume of 500 cu km, and 
extensive lava flows from the volcano blanket 1500 sq km of the East African 
Rift. The broad low-angle shield volcano contrasts dramatically with its steep-
sided neighbor Nyiragongo. The 3058-m-high summit of Nyamuragira is truncated 
by a small 2 x 2.3 km caldera that has walls up to about 100 m high. Historical 
eruptions have occurred within the summit caldera, frequently modifying the 
morphology of the caldera floor, as well as from the numerous fissures and 
cinder cones on the volcano's flanks. A lava lake in the summit crater, active 
since at least 1921, drained in 1938, at the time of a major flank eruption. 
Historical lava flows extend down the flanks more than 30 km from the summit, 
reaching as far as Lake Kivu.

Information Contacts: Jacques Durieux, United Nations Office for Project 
Services, Unite de Gestion des Risques Volcaniques, Observatoire Volcanologique 
de Goma; Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, MODIS Thermal Alert 
System, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology (SOEST), University 
of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI, USA (URL: 
http://modis.higp.hawaii.edu/); Rob Wright, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and 
Planetology, University of Hawaii, 1680 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA 
(URL: http://www.higp.hawaii.edu/~ wright/; Email: wright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).

Democratic Republic of Congo
1.52°S, 29.25°E; summit elev. 3,470 m

Nearly daily thermal anomalies seen from satellites over the crater of 
Nyiragongo through early 2007 confirm the presence of the lava lake there. 
These anomalies were acquired from MODIS satellites and are available on the 
University of Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) MODIS 
Hotspot Alert website. A separate report in this issue discusses MODIS thermal 
anomalies measured during the 27 November 2006 eruption of Nyamuragira (BGVN 
32:01), located about 10 km NW of Nyiragongo.

The consistent anomalies from the Nyiragongo crater are the result of the lava 
lake that formed in May 2002 within the volcano's main crater after the January 
2002 eruption (BGVN 31:12; Tedesco and others, 2007). Below are brief 
discussions of several recent articles relevant to risks associated with new 
efforts in risk monitoring and mitigation at Nyiragongo that have come to our 

Giordano and others (2007) describe a multi-disciplinary study involving 
textural and rheological measurements and numerical simulations of heat 
transfer during magma ascent for the January 2002 eruption. This study 
attempted to understand the different behavior of lava flows and their threat 
to the local population.

Tedesco and others (2007) described activities for monitoring both volcanoes to 
enhance the capabilities of the Goma Volcanological Observatory (GVO). Owing to 
difficult security conditions caused by ongoing conflict within the Democratic 
Republic of Congo, scientists could only install the instruments in seven 'safe 
havens' that had been established by GVO. To obtain a suitable seismic network 
geometry (figure 4), three sites (Katale-KTL, Kibumba-KBB, and Kibati-KBT) were 
located on the eastern side of Nyiragongo. The array of sites allows scientists 
to distinguish seismic activity at Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira.

Figure 4. Geologic map of Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira, with respective lava 
flows shaded. Seven seismic stations are shown (KTL, KNN, RSY, KBB, KBT, BLG, 
and OVG). The points labeled A and B in Lake Kivu indicate the locations of 
profiles used to monitor the dissolved methane and carbon dioxide found at 
depth in the lake. According to Schmid and others (2005) the release of a 
fraction of these gases, which could be triggered by a magma eruption within 
the lake, would have catastrophic consequences for the two million people 
living on its shore. Courtesy of Tedesco and others, 2007.

In detail, the seismic network incorporates a 24-bit analog-to-digital 
converting unit, GPS synchronization at the remote station, a radio-modem link 
on the 444-447 megahertz frequency band, solar panels, and batteries. The 
network uses broadband seismometers manufactured by Lennartz and Nanometrics. 
Seismic stations can transmit a 19.2 kilobits per second flow using 25 kHz of 

Another article, by Chirico and others (2007), reported on a systematic study 
of the mitigating effects of the construction of artificial barriers to protect 
Goma and nearby Gisenyi, Rwanda, based on the Nyiragongo lava flow of 17 
January 2002. That eruption stands as a prime example of lava flows impacting a 
large town (BGVN 26:12, 27:03, 27:04, and 31:12). Major lava flows on the S 
flank entered the town of Goma and devastated a significant portion of it, 
leaving more than 50,000 homeless and forcing the spontaneous exodus of nearly 
all of the residents, mainly into neighboring Rwanda. The study included a 
computer simulation of the effects of such barriers and found that, depending 
on the size, shape and orientation of the barriers, their protective effects 
can be optimized, and the local probability of lava flow invasion into the town 
can be reduced. The study further indicated that barriers will fail to protect 
the Goma international airport, an area of maximum flow hazard because of its 
vulnerable location with respect to the peculiar characteristics of the 
morphology of the terrain.

References: Chirico, G.D., Favalli, M., Papale, P., and Pareschi, M.T., 2007, 
Lava flow hazard map and mitigation from artificial barriers at Nyiragongo 
volcano through numerical simulations of lava flow paths: Geophysical Research 
Abstracts, European Geosciences Union, v. 9, 02238, SRef-ID: 1607-

Giordano, D., Polacci, M., Longo, A., Papale, P., Dingwell, D.B., Boschi, E., 
and Kasereka, M., 2007, Thermo-rheological magma control on the impact of 
highly fluid lava flows at Mt. Nyiragongo: Geophysical Research Letters, 
American Geophysical Union, v. 34, L06301, doi:10.1029/2006GL028459.

Schmid, M., Halbwachs, M., Wehrli, B., and Wuest, A., 2005, Weak mixing in Lake 
Kivu: New insights indicate increasing risk of uncontrolled gas eruption: 
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 6, Q07009, doi:10.1029/2004GC000892.

Tedesco, D., Badiali, L., Boschi, E., Papale, P., Tassi, F., Vaselli, O., 
Kasereka, C., Durieux, J., Denatale, G., Amato, A., Cattaneo, M., Ciraba, H., 
Chirico, G., Delladio, A., Demartin, M., Favalli, G., Franceschi, D., Lauciani, 
V., Mavonga, G., Onachesi, G., Pagliuca, N.M., Sorrentino, D., and Yalire, M., 
2007, Cooperation on Congo Volcanic and Environmental Risks, Eos, Transactions, 
American Geophysical Union, v. 88, no. 16, p. 177, 181.

Geologic Summary. One of Africa's most notable volcanoes, Nyiragongo contained 
a lava lake in its deep summit crater that was active for half a century before 
draining catastrophically through its outer flanks in 1977. In contrast to the 
low profile of its neighboring shield volcano, Nyamuragira, 3,470-m-high 
Nyiragongo displays the steep slopes of a stratovolcano. Benches in the steep-
walled, 1.2-km-wide summit crater mark levels of former lava lakes, which have 
been observed since the late-19th century. Two older stratovolcanoes, Baruta 
and Shaheru, are partially overlapped by Nyiragongo on the north and south. 
About 100 parasitic cones are located primarily along radial fissures south of 
Shaheru, east of the summit, and along a NE-SW zone extending as far as Lake 
Kivu. Many cones are buried by voluminous lava flows that extend long distances 
down the flanks of the volcano, which is characterized by the eruption of 
foiditic rocks. The extremely fluid 1977 lava flows caused many fatalities, as 
did lava flows that inundated portions of the major city of Goma in January 

Information Contacts: Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, MODIS 
Thermal Alert System, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology 
(SOEST), University of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI, USA (URL: 

37.734°N, 15.004°E; summit elev. 3,350 m
All times are local (= UTC + 1 hours)

Recent eruptive episodes occurred between 4 November and 14 December 2006, with 
small eruptions on 19 and 29 March 2007 (BGVN 32:02). According to the Istituto 
Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Sezione di Catania (INGV), there were 
other noteworthy eruptions on 11 and 29 April 2007.

The eruption of 19 March was captured on video as well as a thermal monitoring 
system. The thermal data appear on figure 5, which also includes data from a 
reference site away from the eruption (lower panel). Both sites underwent 
similar diurnal variations due to solar warming and night-cooling effects. The 
19 April 2007 eruption appears as a 37°C upward spike in apparent temperature 
(computed from the sensor system).

Figure 5. Time-series plot showing the apparent temperatures (in degrees C) at 
Etna recorded by the NEW SARATER monitoring system during the explosive event 
at the Bocca Nuova on 19 March 2007. The upper graph shows the thermal data 
from the summit crater zone (rectangular inset), where the increase in 
temperature related to the explosive event stands out boldly. The lower graph 
shows the thermal data for the same period but from a region outside of the 
summit crater area and notes solely the daily oscillation of apparent air 
temperature tied to solar warming. Time shown is UTC. Courtesy of INGV.

The INGV reported that the 29 March eruption took place at Bocca Nuova. Two new 
lava streams emerged near the summit, one at 3,180 m elevation, and the other 
at 3,050 m elevation. The lava flows advanced initially but ultimately halted 
after related emissions only lasted several hours (ceasing at 1500 local time).

INGV's report on the 11 April event noted an increase in volcanic tremor, 
followed by lava fountaining. That eruption lasted about 5 hours. A resultant 
ash plume drifted E with ashfall reported as far as Zafferana, about 10 km E. 
Two lava flows were observed at the summit of Etna, one to the E within the 
large depression on the side of the volcano known as the Valle del Bove and the 
second to the S. The E lava flow stopped 3 km away at the base of the Serra 
Giannicola Grande, within the W Valle del Bove. The second flow stopped near 
Mt. Frumento Supino (less than 1 km S of the summit).

A new summit eruption began on 29 April 2007 with a general increase in tremor 
followed by fire fountaining and a vertical ash cloud. The INGV-CT monitoring 
webcams showed the evolution of this eruptive phase that lasted about 8-9 
hours. At 1600 the thermal webcam at Nicolosi registered a thermal anomaly at 
the South-East Crater (SEC); there were also reports of rumbling from the 
summit craters. At 1834, explosions of lapilli and ash were observed almost 
continuously, together with lava emission very near the explosive vent (figures 
6 and 7). A lava flow followed the fissure on the SE flank of the SEC, which 
had opened during November 2006. Another flow moved E within the Valle del Bove.

Figure 6. Activity at Etna's South-East Crater at 1834 on 29 April 2007, seen 
from the S at Torre del Filosofo. Courtesy of INGV.
Figure 7. Etna in eruption on 29 April 2007. Arrows denote strong explosive 
Strombolian activity (1), spattering (2), and  lapilli and ashfall (3). The 
spattering and related extrusions fed a lava flow descending as an incandescent 
ribbon. Courtesy of INGV.

Geologic Summary. Mount Etna, towering above Catania, Sicily's second largest 
city, has one of the world's longest documented records of historical 
volcanism, dating back to 1500 BC. Historical lava flows of basaltic 
composition cover much of the surface of this massive volcano, whose edifice is 
the highest and most voluminous in Italy. The Mongibello stratovolcano, 
truncated by several small calderas, was constructed during the late 
Pleistocene and Holocene over an older shield volcano. The most prominent 
morphological feature of Etna is the Valle del Bove, a 5 x 10 km horseshoe-
shaped caldera open to the east. Two styles of eruptive activity typically 
occur at Etna. Persistent explosive eruptions, sometimes with minor lava 
emissions, take place from one or more of the three prominent summit craters, 
the Central Crater, NE Crater, and SE Crater (the latter formed in 1978). Flank 
vents, typically with higher effusion rates, are less frequently active and 
originate from fissures that open progressively downward from near the summit 
(usually accompanied by strombolian eruptions at the upper end). Cinder cones 
are commonly constructed over the vents of lower-flank lava flows. Lava flows 
extend to the foot of the volcano on all sides and have reached the sea over a 
broad area on the SE flank.

Information Contacts: Sonia Calvari, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e 
Vulcanologia, Sezione di Catania, Piazza Roma 2, 95123 Catania, Italy (URL: 

Halmahera, Indonesia
1.68°N, 127.88°E; summit elev. 1,335 m
All times are local (= UTC + 9 hours)

Our last Dukono report discussed an ash plume on 5 December 2006 (BGVN 32:01). 
During the time period of this report, 1 January through mid-April 2007, the 
Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) detected a small plume on satellite 
imagery on 16 January 2007 that lacked clear ash content.

The 16 January plume was imaged using data from two satellites (DMSP and MTSAT-
1R). The Darwin VAAC's ash advisory noted a low-level plume blowing to the SSE 
on an image taken at 2233 on 15 January (time and date in terms of UTC; 0733 on 
16 January local time).

Table 1 contains a list of thermal anomalies detected from MODIS satellites by 
the Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts 
System during the first four months of 2007. There were two alerts on 13 
February followed by one alert on the respective days 15, 18, and 24 February 
and 8 March.

Table 1. Thermal anomalies at Dukono based on MODIS-MODVOLC retrievals and 
processing for the interval 1 January through April 2007. Courtesy of Hawai'i 
Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System.

    Date (UTC)    Time (UTC)    Pixels    Satellite

    13 Feb 2007     1405          1         Terra
    13 Feb 2007     1700          1         Aqua
    15 Feb 2007     1350          1         Terra
    18 Feb 2007     1715          1         Aqua
    24 Feb 2007     1345          1         Terra
    08 Mar 2007     1410          1         Terra

Geologic Summary. Reports from this remote volcano in northernmost Halmahera 
are rare, but Dukono has been one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes. More-or-
less continuous explosive eruptions (sometimes accompanied by lava flows) 
occurred from 1933 until at least the mid-1990s, when routine observations were 
curtailed. During a major eruption in 1550, a lava flow filled in the strait 
between Halmahera and the N flank cone of Gunung Mamuya. Dukono is a complex 
volcano presenting a broad, low profile with multiple summit peaks and 
overlapping craters. Malupang Wariang, 1 km SW of Dukono's summit crater 
complex, contains a 700 x 570 m crater that has also been historically active.
Information Contacts: Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation 
(CVGHM), Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia (URL: 
http://portal.vsi.esdm.go.id/joomla/); Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre 
(VAAC), Bureau of Meteorology, Northern Territory Regional Office, PO Box 
40050, Casuarina, NT 0811, Australia (URL: http://www.bom.gov.au/info/vaac/); 
Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System, 
School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), University of 
Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA 

Java, Indonesia
8.108°S, 112.92°E; summit elev. 3,676 m
All times are local (= UTC + 7 hours)

Our previous report (BGVN 29:06) covered activity at Semeru through 4 July 
2004. This report, compiled chiefly from reports from the Center of Volcanology 
and Geological Hazard Management (CVGHM) and the Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory 
Centre (Darwin VAAC), discusses subsequent activity into early 2007. Minor 
eruptions with the highest reported plumes reaching 7.6 km altitude continued 
from mid-2006 through April 2007. During mid-2006 to May 2007 there were also 
numerous thermal anomalies. The thermal data were captured by MODIS satellite 
sensors and presented on the MODVOLC system.

On 9 March 2006, the CVGHM reported "ash rain" fell in the vicinity of Semeru. 
An eruption associated with earthquakes was photographed on 31 October 2006 
(figure 8). On April 22, based on information from a significant meteorological 
notice and satellite observations the Darwin VAAC reported the first of a 
series of eruptions. Plumes rose to an altitude of ~ 4 km. Table 2 summarizes 
reported ash plume eruptions at Semeru through February 2007.

Figure 8. Photograph showing a Semeru ash explosion on 31 October 2006. 
Courtesy CVGHM.

Table 2. Summary of reported ash plumes emitted from Semeru, July 2004 to 
February 2007. Courtesy of CVGHM and the Darwin VAAC.

    Date                Plume       Plume        Comments
                     Height (km)    Drift

    18 Jul 2004         3            NW          pilot report
    5-10 Aug 2004       7.6 max      --          pilots' reports of ash clouds
    10 Aug 2004         6.1          --          ash plume
    24 Aug 2004         --           WSW         thin plume
    25 Aug 2004         --           WSW         thin plume, no ash visible
    21 May 2005         4.6          S,
                                   then SSE
    25 May 2005         --           --          small plume reported by Darwin 
    08-14 Mar 2006      --           --          "ash rain" reported by CVGHM
    22 Apr 2006         4            --          based on significant 
meteorological notice,
                                                   Darwin VAAC reported an 
eruption that
                                                   generated plume (not visible 
on satellite
    10-16 May 2006      6.1          --
    04 Jun 2006         --           --          pilot reported multiple minor 
    05-06 Jun 2006      --           --          small ash plumes
    06, 12 Jun 2006     --           --          small ash plumes
    11, 13 Jun 2006     --           --          minor ash/steam plumes
    14 Jun 2006         6.1          --          pilot observation 
    15, 17, 18          --           --          small ash plumes
      Jun 2006
    25 Jun 2006         5.5          --
    29 Jun 2006         ?            SE
    10 Jul 2006         5.5          --
    14 Jul 2006         ?            SE
    17 Jul 2006         4.3          --
    18, 21, 24 Jul 2006 4.3 (max)    --
    24-25, 31 Jul 2006    ?          --          small plumes visible 
    02 Aug 2006         5.2          --
    25 Aug 2006         --           --          ash plumes visible
    15 Sep 2006         4.3          W
    20-21 Sep 2006    11; 4.9        SW          90 km W
    18 Oct 2006         4.6          --
    25-26 Oct 2006      7.6          W
    30 Oct 2006         --           --          ash/steam emissions
    22 Nov 2006         7.6          S           incandescent material fell in 
all directions
                                                   within 200 m of plume
    24 Nov 2006         4.4          --
    21 Dec 2006         4.3          --
    10-11 Feb 2007      --           --          ashfall 35 km E

Geologic Summary. Semeru, the highest volcano on Java, and one of its most 
active, lies at the southern end of a volcanic massif extending north to the 
Tengger caldera. The steep-sided volcano, also referred to as Mahameru (Great 
Mountain), rises abruptly to 3676 m above coastal plains to the S. Gunung 
Semeru was constructed S of the overlapping Ajek-ajek and Jambangan calderas. A 
line of lake-filled maars was constructed along a N-S trend cutting through the 
summit, and cinder cones and lava domes occupy the E and NE flanks. Summit 
topography is complicated by the shifting of craters from NW to SE. Frequent 
19th and 20th century eruptions were dominated by small-to-moderate explosions 
from the summit crater, with occasional lava flows and larger explosive 
eruptions accompanied by pyroclastic flows that have reached the lower flanks 
of the volcano. Semeru has been in almost continuous eruption since 1967.

Information Contacts: Dali Ahmad, Hetty Triastuty, Nia Haerani, and Suswati, 
Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM), Jalan 
Diponegoro No. 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia (Email: dali@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; URL: 
http://www.vsi.esdm.go.id/); Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC), Bureau 
of Meteorology, Northern Territory Regional Office, PO Box 40050, Casuarina, NT 
0811, Australia (URL: http://www.bom.gov.au/info/vaac/); Hawai'i Institute of 
Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Thermal Alerts System, School of Ocean and 
Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), University of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road, 
Honolulu, HI 96822, USA (http://hotspot.higp.hawaii.edu/); Agence France-
Presse. (AFP) (http://www.afp.com/english/home/).

Ritter Island
Northeast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
5.52°S, 148.121°E; summit elev. 140 m

Submarine eruptions occurred at Ritter Island in 1972 and 1974 (CSLP 146-74). 
More recently, small eruptions were reported during 2002 and 2006. The island, 
which sits off the W end of New Britain Island (figure 9), is composed of a ~ 
1.9-km-long arc-shaped segment of the caldera rim. The inner, concave side of 
the island faces W. In clear weather villagers in Kampalap village, ~ 13.5 km 
SSW on Umboi Island, can see and monitor Ritter Island.

Figure 9. Location sketch maps showing the context of Ritter Island, which sits 
just E of New Britain Island and N of the main island. Many of the islands 
shown contain Holocene volcanoes along the same arc as New Britain Island. 
Courtesy of VolcanoWorld.

On 2 August 2002, an advisory was issued by the Darwin VAAC based on a pilot 
observation indicating an ash cloud to ~ 3 km altitude, although satellite data 
was unable to confirm the presence of ash.

In what began as an ambiguous case, the Darwin VAAC issued an advisory for a 17 
October 2006 eruption at Ritter Island. The initial report was confusing 
because a pilot had reported the eruption to the Rabaul Volcano Observatory 
(RVO) as being from Langila. The VAAC report noted that there was no plume at 
Langila in satellite imagery, but instead could see one farther W at Ritter 
Island. The plume was low and seen on MTSAT imagery (at 0133 UTC on 17 
October); the presence of ash was not mentioned.

A report to RVO from Kampalap village, passed through the Langila observer, 
confirmed unusual activity on 17 October. RVO reported occasional small 
earthquakes followed by white vapor and diffuse ash clouds. The Kampalap 
observer saw occasional rock slides from the inner crater wall. Fine ash fell 
at Kampalap that the reporter indicated was not from Langila. No similar 
eruptive episodes were recorded through 1 November. Throughout this interval 
the RVO relied on seismic instrumentation in West New Britain, but an 
instrument was being prepared for possible deployment at Ritter Island.

Geologic Summary. Prior to 1888, Ritter Island was a steep-sided, nearly 
circular island about 780 m high. The current small, 140-m-high island is a 
topographically insignificant, 1900-m-long arcuate feature between Umboi and 
Sakar Islands. Several historical explosive eruptions had been recorded prior 
to 1888, when large-scale slope failure destroyed the summit of the conical 
basaltic-andesitic volcano, leaving the arcuate 140-m-high island remnant with 
a steep W-facing scarp that descends below sea level. Devastating tsunamis were 
produced by the collapse and swept the coast of Papua New Guinea and offshore 
islands. Two minor post-collapse explosive eruptions, during 1972 and 1974, 
occurred offshore within the largely submarine 3.5 x 4.5 km breached depression 
formed by the collapse.

Information Contacts: Herman Patia, Rabaul Volcanological Observatory (RVO), 
Department of Mining, Private Mail Bag, Port Moresby Post Office, National 
Capitol District, Papua New Guinea (Email: hguria@xxxxxxxxxxxxx); VolcanoWorld 
(URL: http://volcano.und.edu/).

Santa Cruz Islands, SW Pacific
10.38°S, 165.80°E; summit elev. 851 m
All times are local (= UTC +11 hours)

No thermal anomalies at Tinakula were detected by MODIS satellite systems 
between 9 May 2001 and 11 February 2006, but anomalies were then detected 
through mid-April 2006 (BGVN 31:03). Thermal anomalies continued at about the 
same pace and intensity (in pixels) through 1 June 2006 (table 3). From 4 
August 2006 through March 2007, on 19 different days there were 1- or 2-pixel 
thermal anomalies measured by MODIS.

Table 3. MODIS/MODVOLC thermal anomalies at Tinakula for mid-April 2006 through 
mid-April 2007 (continued from table in BGVN 31:03). Courtesy of the University 
of Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) MODIS Hotspot Alert 

    Date (UTC)    Time (UTC)    Pixels    Satellite

    14 Apr 2006     1135          1         Terra
    16 Apr 2006     1125          2         Terra
                    1425          1         Aqua
    18 Apr 2006     1410          3         Aqua
    19 Apr 2006     1155          3         Terra
                    1455          1         Aqua
    21 Apr 2006     1145          1         Terra
                    1445          2         Aqua
    23 Apr 2006     1130          1         Terra
    25 Apr 2006     1420          2         Aqua
    28 Apr 2006     1150          3         Terra
    02 May 2006     1125          3         Terra
    04 May 2006     1110          2         Terra
    06 May 2006     1400          1         Terra
    16 May 2006     1135          2         Terra
    01 Jun 2006     1135          2         Terra
    01 Jun 2006     1435          3         Aqua
    04 Aug 2006     1135          1         Terra
    30 Oct 2006     1145          1         Terra
    08 Nov 2006     1135          2         Terra
    08 Dec 2006     1450          1         Aqua
    12 Dec 2006     1425          1         Aqua
    19 Dec 2006     1435          1         Aqua
    04 Jan 2007     1130          1         Terra
    11 Jan 2007     1135          1         Terra
    20 Jan 2007     1130          1         Terra
    27 Jan 2007     1135          1         Terra
    05 Feb 2007     1130          2         Terra
    17 Feb 2007     1155          1         Terra
    26 Feb 2007     1150          1         Terra
    28 Feb 2007     1140          1         Terra
    09 Mar 2007     1130          1         Terra
    16 Mar 2007     1140          2         Terra
    18 Mar 2007     1125          1         Terra
                    1425          1         Aqua
    20 Mar 2007     1415          1         Aqua
    30 Mar 2007     1150          2         Terra

According to a 1994 summary by the Solomon Island observatory (World 
Organization of Volcanic Observatories, 1997), "The last reported large 
eruption was in 1985. Tinakula is highly active [and] erupts andesitic ash 
almost every week." No recent field observations have been made by scientists.

Reference: World Organization of Volcanic Observatories (WOVO), 1997, Volcanoes 
of the Solomon Islands. 1. Tinakula, (section 0505-07), in Netter, C., and 
Cheminee, J-L. (eds.), Directory of Volcano Observatories, 1996-1997: 

Geologic Summary. The small 3.5-km-wide island of Tinakula is the exposed 
summit of a massive stratovolcano that rises 3-4 km from the sea floor at the 
NW end of the Santa Cruz islands. Tinakula resembles Stromboli volcano in 
containing a breached summit crater that extends from the 851-m-high summit to 
below sea level. Landslides enlarged this scarp in 1965, creating an embayment 
on the NW coast. The satellitic cone of Mendana is located on the SE side. The 
dominantly andesitic Tinakula volcano has frequently been observed in eruption 
since the era of Spanish exploration began in 1595. In about 1840, an explosive 
eruption apparently produced pyroclastic flows that swept all sides of the 
island, killing its inhabitants. Frequent historical eruptions have originated 
from a cone constructed within the large breached crater. These eruptions have 
left the upper flanks of the volcano unvegetated.

Information Contacts: Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, MODIS 
Thermal Alert System, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology 
(SOEST), University of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI, USA (URL: 
http://hotspot.higp.hawaii.edu); Solomon Island Observatory, Water and Mineral 
Resources Division, Honiara, Solomon Islands (URL: 

Southern Indian Ocean
53.106°S, 73.513°E; summit elev. 2,745 m
All times are local (= UTC + 5 hours)

An ASTER image over Heard for 29 February 2007 (figure 10) was found by Matt 
Patrick in which two thermal anomalies are shown, separated by ~ 300 m. The 
anomaly to the SE appeared to be a new feature, representing either a distinct 
vent or a hot distal portion of an active flow from the main vent. There are no 
anomalous shortwave pixels between the two anomalies as one might expect for an 
active lava surface, but the flow may be channeled underground between the 
anomalies. The total lack of anomalous pixels in the region between the two 
anomalies, however, caused Patrick to suspect that this is a distinct vent. If 
this is a distinct vent, it would be the first clear illustration of multiple 
vents at Heard. None of the previous images Patrick has studied covering the 
last 6 years (including the 8 December 2006 image, also using Band 9-3-1 color 
mapping, shown in figure 11) showed indications of a secondary anomaly.

Figure 10. An ASTER Band 9-3-1 RGB composite image of Heard for 29 February 
2007, with the shortwave infrared band 9 mapped to red, indicating high 
temperatures. Two distinct anomalies near the summit of Mawson Peak are shown. 
The W-most anomaly is at the location of previous anomalies, which appear to be 
the summit crater (lava lake), while the anomaly 300 m SE is a new feature. 
Courtesy Matt Patrick.

Figure 11. An ASTER Band 9-3-1 RGB composite image of Heard for 8 December 
2006, with the shortwave infrared band 9 mapped to red, indicating high 
temperatures. One distinct anomaly near the summit of Mawson Peak is shown. 
Courtesy Matt Patrick.

MODIS satellite data also revealed thermal anomalies on 24 different days 
between 27 December 2006 and 6 April 2007 (table 4).

Table 4. Thermal anomalies at Heard from mid-December 2006 to early April 2007 
from MODIS satellites. Continued from table in BGVN 31:05. Courtesy of Hawai'i 
Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Hot Spots System.

    Date (UTC)    Time (UTC)    Pixels    Satellite

    27 Dec 2006     1845          1         Terra
    29 Dec 2006     1830          1         Terra
    31 Dec 2006     1820          2         Terra
                    2005          1         Aqua
    09 Jan 2007     1815          2         Terra
    19 Jan 2007     1850          1         Terra
    04 Feb 2007     1900          1         Aqua
    05 Feb 2007     1940          1         Aqua
    07 Feb 2007     1930          2         Aqua
    16 Feb 2007     1925          1         Aqua
    21 Feb 2007     1940          1         Aqua
    26 Feb 2007     0445          1         Terra
    05 Mar 2007     1820          2         Terra
    07 Mar 2007     1810          1         Terra
    11 Mar 2007     1745          1         Terra
    12 Mar 2007     1825          2         Terra
                    2015          1         Aqua
    14 Mar 2007     1815          1         Terra
                    2000          2         Aqua
    18 Mar 2007     1935          1         Aqua
    20 Mar 2007     1925          1         Aqua
    24 Mar 2007     1850          1         Terra
    26 Mar 2007     0505          1         Terra
    27 Mar 2007     1745          2         Terra
    28 Mar 2007     2015          2         Aqua
    29 Mar 2007     1920          1         Aqua
    06 Apr 2007     0450          1         Terra

Geologic Summary. Heard Island on the Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian 
Ocean consists primarily of the emergent portion of two volcanic structures. 
The large glacier-covered composite basaltic-to-trachytic cone of Big Ben 
comprises most of the island, and the smaller Mt. Dixon volcano lies at the NW 
tip of the island across a narrow isthmus. Little is known about the structure 
of Big Ben volcano because of its extensive ice cover. The historically active 
Mawson Peak forms the island's 2,745-m high point and lies within a 5-6 km wide 
caldera breached to the SW side of Big Ben. Small satellitic scoria cones are 
mostly located on the northern coast. Several subglacial eruptions have been 
reported in historical time at this isolated volcano, but observations are 
infrequent and additional activity may have occurred.

Information Contacts: Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) 
Hot Spots System, University of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822, 
USA (URL: http://hotspot.higp.hawaii.edu); Matthew Patrick, Dept. of Geological 
and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, 1400 
Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931, USA (Email: mpatrick@xxxxxxx; URL: 

New Zealand
39.28°S, 175.57°E; summit elev. 2,797 m
All times are local (= UTC +12 hours)

A moderate hydrothermal eruption at Ruapehu on 4 October 2006 (BGVN 32:02) 
renewed concerns about a lahar that could be generated from breakout of the 
summit crater lake through a weak dam composed of tephra. The dam, ~ 8 m high, 
was formed during eruptions in 1995 and 1996. In 1953, a similar dam failed and 
15 lives were lost when the resulting lahar destroyed a rail bridge at 
Tangiwai. As reported by the New Zealand Institute of Geological & Nuclear 
Sciences (GNS Science), on 18 March 2007 at about 1100 the tephra dam failed 
and such a lahar was initiated. The resulting discolored region of sediment 
deposit was visible from space (figure 12).

Figure 12. The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer 
(ASTER) on NASA's Terra satellite captured this image of Mount Ruapehu and the 
path of its recent lahar on 25 March 2007. In the colored image, green 
indicates vegetation, dark blue indicates water, and purplish-gray indicates 
bare rock. The splotches of white at the summit show snow cover, and the 
billowy white balls nearby are clouds. S of the volcano, straight lines and 
sharp angles outlining patches of green indicate cultivated crops. The lahar 
appears as a rivulet of pale grayish-lavender that flows from the summit toward 
the E, then turns S. Near the base of the volcano, the lahar path separates 
briefly into two streams. Courtesy of NASA Earth Observatory.

GNS Science reported that on 18 March 2007 step-wise failure of the dam by 
headward scarp retreat above seeps in its downstream face was initiated at 
1055, followed by catastrophic failure and breaching at 1122. Heavy rain likely 
played a role in triggering the lahar by raising the surface of Ruapehu's 
Crater Lake above a critical level. The lake was ~ 1.2 m below the crest of the 
dam when it failed. A GNS Science fixed camera recorded a time-lapse sequence 
of images of the dam collapse and the outflow through a 40-m breach in the dam 
(figure 13). The outflow entered the steep rocky gorge of the upper Whangahu 
River where it rapidly entrained silt- to boulder-sized particles to become a 
non-cohesive debris flow within a few kilometers of the lake. The resultant 
flood (lahar) reached variable stage heights depending on the topography of the 
155-km long river system, often exceeding 6-8 m and overtopping the banks. At 
one point the lahar topped a bridge across the river about 49 km downstream.

Figure 13. Comparative photos of the 6.2-m high OnTrack (New Zealand Railway 
Corporation) lahar warning tower, located in the Whangaehu river 28 km 
downstream from Crater Lake. The tower was installed following the 1953 
Tangiwai disaster to provide 15-min warning for the railway bridge 11 km 
downstream. The arm on the tower supports a radar stage gauge to measure flow 
depth. Images were captured by a Horizon Regional Council web cam. (top) Tower 
in the path of the lahar flow at 1255 on 18 March 2007. (bottom) Examining 
lahar deposits on 21 March 2007, with researchers providing scale of the tower 
and its inscribed scale marks. Courtesy of GNS Science and Vern Manville.

Lahar chronology. News releases from GNS Science and other agencies were issued 
on 18 March 2007. Some preliminary derivative reports were sent to us by Roger 
Matthews. These items provided a chronological series of observations 
indicating that the dam's failure was initiated at 1045 and climaxed at 1122 on 
18 March.

News released at 1203 stated that, prior to the burst, police received 
indications that the tephra dam confining the Crater Lake was close to 
overflowing. Alarms from acoustic flow monitors (vibration sensors) installed 
in the dam at the Crater Lake outlet went off a number of times before the 
primary dam failure. The three monitoring sites on the crater rim, all 
activated with the dam failure.

A lahar [called 'moderate' by the New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC)] 
was making its way down Mount Ruapehu after Crater Lake dam burst at about 1100 
(figure 14). Ruapehu District Council said the lahar was expected to arrive at 
the Tangiwai road and rail bridges at about 1405 on 18 March. Spokesperson Paul 
Weetcroft said that the lahar's travel down the Whangaehu River was being 
monitored, and that the emergency management plan was working well; there were 
no reports of anyone in danger. He said that at this stage the lahar was 
expected to travel down the Whangeahu valley and out to sea. Roads were closed 
in the immediate area and rail transport was stopped. The Minister of Civil 
Defense, Rick Barker, says the systems set up to warn people about the lahar 
seem to have worked very well.

Figure 14. A camera installed by GNS Science near the summit of Ruapehu 
captured the failure of the tephra dam holding back Crater Lake and the lahar's 
onset. The fixed, digital still camera was installed overlooking the downstream 
side of the tephra dam in early January 2006. It had been taking pictures at 1-
min intervals during daylight. Erosion scarps developed in the downstream face 
of the dam as a result of seepage through porous tephra layers in early 2007. 
Growth of these features culminated in dam failure on 18 March 2007. (top) 
Intact tephra dam at 1101. (middle) Crater Lake waters starting to flood 
through the breached dam at 1122. (bottom) Crater Lake waters pouring out 
through the extensive breach in the tephra dam at 1203. Courtesy of GNS Science 
lahar project, led by Vern Manville.

The Minister of Conservation stated that the lahar traveled down the predicted 
path, and the early warning response system worked as planned. An earthen dam 
(bund, or levee) built to divert the lahar's path toward the S withstood the 
lahar. As a result, the lahar continued down the Whangaehu valley away from the 
Tongariro catchment (which drains to the N into Lake Taupo). The lahar also 
continued safely down the valley and underneath the Tangiwai bridge.
The New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC) reported at 1545 that the 
major peak of the lahar had passed. DOC believed the moderate-sized mudflow 
began when Mt Ruapehu's Crater Lake dam started to collapse between 11 and noon 
today, releasing the water over a 45-minute period. DOC's Dave Wakelin noted 
that the water kept within the channels and over the next couple of hours 
traveled safely down the Whangaehu River and under the Tangiwai bridges. The 
lahar was almost over by this time (1545), but some material was still moving 
down the river. No major infrastructure was damaged except for a small DOC 
footbridge between Tukino Mountain road and Rangipo. The tephra dam which was 
impounding the new crater lake was fully broken.

Aftermath observations. On 19 March 2007, GNS issued a Science Alert Bulletin 
concerning increased hydrothermal activity possible at Ruapehu's Crater Lake. 
Volcanologist Brad Scott of GNS Science said there had been an increase in 
volcanic earthquakes up to M 1 at the summit following the 18 March partial 
emptying of Crater Lake. Lowering of the lake could destabilize that 
hydrothermal system and lead to increased heating and steam-driven eruptions.

Scientists from the Department of Conservation (DOC) and GNS Science visited 
Mt. Ruapehu's crater lake on 19 March 2007 and confirmed that the tephra dam 
had eroded back down to the hard rim that formed the pre-1995 lake outlet. 
Water cascaded across a hard rock rim where once there was a 7.6-m-high dam. 
Prior to the previous day's collapse, the dam itself was 80-m long. Harry Keys 
of DOC stated in a press release that the breach was about 50- to 60-m wide at 
the top and 40-m wide at the hard rock rim, wider than scientists initially 
thought. The post-lahar lake level was 2,529.4 m elevation, a drop of 6.3 m 
from the pre-lahar level. The outlet continued to drain and the 'river' was 
about knee deep. The volume of water lost from the lake was is believed to be 
in the order of 1.3 x 106 m3. Keys commented further that "One misconception we 
have heard is that now the lahar has happened there is no longer a Crater Lake! 
We have now reverted back to pre-1995 conditions with a Crater Lake of about 
10x106 m3 that is emptying over its natural outlet on the crater rim into the 
Whangaehu river." DOC emphasized that conditions either near or on the remains 
of the tephra dam were unstable and therefore hazardous.

Multi-agency Efforts. The Ruapehu Lahar Emergency Management Plan (Southern) 
was developed under the leadership of the Ruapehu District Council. 
Participants included officials from the Southern Ruapehu Lahar Planning Group, 
New Zealand Department of Conservation, New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence 
and Emergency Management, police, and Horizons Regional Council, along with 
other key agencies including the Army, the New Zealand Fire Service, and GNS 

Reference: Keys, H.J.R., (date unknown), Lahars from Mount Ruapehu--mitigation 
and management; NZ Dept. of Conservation website (a poster conveyed as a PDF 
file; creation/publication date unknown) (URL: 

Geologic Summary. Ruapehu, one of New Zealand's most active volcanoes, is a 
complex stratovolcano constructed during at least 4 cone-building episodes 
dating back to about 200,000 years ago. The 110 cu km dominantly andesitic 
volcanic massif is elongated in a NNE-SSW direction and is surrounded by 
another 100 cu km ring plain of volcaniclastic debris, including the Murimoto 
debris-avalanche deposit on the NW flank. A series of subplinian eruptions took 
place at Ruapehu between about 22,600 and 10,000 years ago, but pyroclastic 
flows have been infrequent at Ruapehu. A single historically active vent, 
Crater Lake, is located in the broad summit region at an altitude of 2,530 m, 
but at least five other vents on the summit and flank have been active during 
the Holocene. Frequent mild-to-moderate explosive eruptions have occurred in 
historical time from the Crater Lake vent, and tephra characteristics suggest 
that the crater lake may have formed as early as 3,000 years ago. Lahars 
produced by phreatic eruptions from the summit Crater Lake are a hazard to a 
ski area on the upper flanks and to lower river valleys.

Information Contacts: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences (GNS), Private 
Bag 2000, Wairakei, New Zealand (URL: http://www.gns/cri.nz/; 
http://data.geonet.org.nz/geonews/index.html); Brad Scott, Institute of 
Geological & Nuclear Sciences (GNS) (Email: B.Scott@xxxxxxxxxx); New Zealand 
Department of Conservation, Private Bag, Turangi, New Zealand (URL: 
http://www.doc.govt.nz/); Roger Matthews, North Shore City Council, Private Bag 
93500 Takapuna, North Shore City 1331, New Zealand (URL: 
http://www.northshorecity.govt.nz); The Press (URL: 
http://www.stuff.co.nz/thepress); National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
(NASA), Earth Observatory (URL: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/).

East Pacific Rise near 9°50'N
Eastern Pacific Ocean
9.83°N, 104.30°W; summit elev. -2500? m

Along the fast spreading East Pacific Rise (EPR) crest near 9°50'N, Cowen and 
others (2007) reported on additional evidence regarding recent volcanic 
eruptions spanning about 4-5 months of activity discovered in April and May 
2006. In April 2006, during routine recovery and redeployment of ocean-bottom 
seismometers (OBS) at the EPR R2K Integrated Study Site (ISS) near 9°50'N, 
eight of 12 OBS could not be recovered (BGVN 31:11). Anomalous turbidity and 
temperature in the water column along the ridge axis confirmed scientists' 
suspicions that the OBS were trapped by a new lava flow. A resurgence in 
magmatism had been postulated recently, based on temporal changes observed over 
the past few years in hydrothermal vent fluid chemistry and temperatures (Von 
Damm, 2004) and increasing microseismicity (Tolstoy and others, 2006).

According to Cowen and others (2007), within a week of the initial bottom-water 
surveys in late April, scientists mounted a rapid response expedition on board 
the research vessel (R/V) New Horizon. The expedition surveys included 
conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) observations, optical tow-yos (tows during 
which a package is alternately lowered and raised), hydrocasts, and towed 
digital-imaging along the EPR axis between ~ 9°46'N and 9°57'N.

These surveys confirmed the occurrence of recent seafloor eruptions along more 
than 15 km of the ridge axis and up to ~ 1 km off axis. They documented 
widespread vigorous hydrothermal venting and a notable absence of vent 
megafauna (figure 15). Many of the hydrothermal vents studied over the past 15 
years were disrupted. A prior eruption occurred in 1991-1992 (e.g., Haymon and 
others, 1993) along portions of the same segment of the EPR. This is the first 
repeat eruption documented at the same location along the mid-ocean ridge (MOR) 

Figure 15. (Left) Location map of the track of the TowCam (Woods Hole 
Oceanographic Institution's digital deep-sea camera with rock and water 
sampling capabilities) which surveyed a distance of ~ 4 minutes of latitude (~ 
7 km) along the ridge axis over the new eruptions. Red dots indicate old high-
temperature hydrothermal vents. (Top right) An along-axis bathymetric profile 
of the EPR, ~ 7 km long, compiled from depth and altitude data from a TowCam. 
The profile is shown with geological and biological observations linked to 
symbols that appear in a key and on horizontal lines above the profile. The 
lowest trace, "new lava," is continuous over a broad expanse of the S end of 
the profile (on either side of "b" on the map), and areas without new lava 
appear at only a few spots near "a" (9°52'N). A plot of the potential 
temperature (the temperature of a water sample if lifted adiabatically, in 
effect, without thermal contact with surrounding water, to the surface) appears 
below the profile. TowCam photographs, keyed to their location along the track, 
include ("a" middle right) new pillow to lobate lava flow overlying older 
sediment-covered pillows and ("b" bottom right) diffuse hydrothermal venting 
through recently erupted lava, material possibly covered with microbial growth. 
Courtesy Cowen and others (2007).

Toomey and others (2007) discussed how mantle upwelling is essential to the 
generation of new oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges, and concluded that such 
upwelling is asymmetric beneath active ridges. In their article, the authors 
used seismic imaging to show that the isotropic and anisotropic structure of 
the mantle is rotated beneath the East Pacific Rise. The isotropic structure 
defines the pattern of magma delivery from the mantle to the crust. They found 
that the segmentation of the rise crest between transform faults correlates 
well with the distribution of mantle melt. The azimuth of seismic anisotropy 
constrains the direction of mantle flow, which is rotated nearly 10° 
anticlockwise from the plate-spreading direction. The mismatch between the 
locus of mantle melt delivery and the morphologic ridge axis results in 
systematic differences between areas of on-axis and off-axis melt supply. The 
authors conclude that the skew of asthenospheric upwelling and transport 
governs segmentation of the East Pacific Rise and variations in the intensity 
of ridge crest processes.

References. Cowen, J.P., Fornari, D.J., Shank, T.M., Love, B., Glazer, B., 
Treusch, A.H., Holmes, R.C., Soule, S.A., Baker, E.T., Tolstoy, M., and 
Pomraning, K.R., 2007 (13 February), Volcanic Eruptions at East Pacific Rise 
Near 9°50'N: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 88, no. 7, p. 
81, 83.

Haymon, R.M., Fornari, D.J., Edwards, M.H., Carbotte, S., Wright, D., and 
Macdonald, K.C., 1991, Hydrothermal vent distribution along the East Pacific 
Rise crest (9 deg 9'-54' N) and its relationship to magmatic and tectonic 
processes on fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges: Earth and Planetary Science 
Letters, v. 104, p. 513-534.

Haymon, R.M., Fornari, D.J., Von Damm, K.L., Lilley, M.D., Perfit, M.R., 
Edmond, J.M., Shanks, W.C., III, Lutz, R.A., Grebmeir, J.M., Carbotte, S., 
Wright, D., McLaughlin, E., Smith, M. Beedle, N., and Olson, E., 1993, Volcanic 
eruption of the mid-ocean ridge along the East Pacific Rise crest at 9 deg 45-
52 min N: direct submersible observations of seafloor phenomena associated with 
an eruption event in April 1991: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 119, 
p. 85-101

Toomey, D.R., Jousselin, D., Dunn, R.A., Wilcock, W.S., and Detrick, R.S., 
2007, Skew of mantle upwelling beneath the East Pacific Rise governs 
segmentation: Nature, v. 446, p. 409-414 (doi:10.1038/nature05679).

Tolstoy, M., J.P. Cowen, E.T. Baker, D.J. Fornari, K.H. Rubin, T.M. Shank, F. 
Waldhauser, D.R. Bohnenstiehl, D.W. Forsyth, R.C. Holmes, B. Love, M.R. Perfit, 
R.T. Weekly, S.A. Soule, and B. Glazer, 2006, A sea-floor spreading event 
captured by seismometers: Science, v. 314, no. 5807, p. 1920-1922.

Von Damm, K. L., 2004, Evolution of the hydrothermal system at East Pacific 
Rise 9°50'N: Geochemical evidence for changes in the upper oceanic crust, in C. 
German and others (ed), Mid-Ocean Ridges: Hydrothermal Interactions Between the 
Lithosphere and Ocean:  Geophys. Monogr. Ser., v. 148, p. 285-304.

Geologic Summary: Evidence for a very recent, possibly ongoing eruption was 
detected during a series of dives in the submersible vessel Alvin in 1991 on 
the East Pacific Rise at about 9°50'N (9.83°N). Hot-vent animal communities 
that had been documented during November to December 1989 imaging were observed 
to have been buried by fresh basaltic lava flows, and the scorched soft tissues 
of partially buried biota had not yet attracted bottom scavengers. Fresh black 
smoker chimneys were draped by new lava flows. This position was at a depth of 
~ 2,500 m S of the Clipperton fracture zone, about 1000 km SW of Acapulco, 
Mexico. It coincided with a location where fresh lava flows previously 
estimated as less than roughly 50 years in age had been found (Haymon et al., 
1991). Later dating of very short half-life radionuclides from dredged samples 
confirmed the young age of the eruption and indicated that another eruptive 
event had taken place in late 1991 and early 1992. An eruption in 2005-2006 
produced lava flows that entrapped previously emplaced seismometers.

Information Contacts: RV New Horizon and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 
University of California - San Diego, 8602 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla, CA 
92037, USA (URL: http://sio.ucsd.edu/); Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 
Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA (URL: http://www.whoi.edu/).

Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
56.653°N, 161.360°E; summit elev. 3,283 m
All times are local (= UTC +12 hours

In December 2006 Shiveluch underwent heightened seismic and volcanic activity 
after more than a year of lesser activity (BGVN 31:11). After significant 
explosive activity during 26-27 December 2006 that caused the Kamchatkan 
Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) to briefly raise the hazard status, 
activity remained above background levels into January 2007.

The seismic network recorded 200 shallow earthquakes daily between 29 December 
and 12 January 2007, accompanied by fumarolic activity, avalanches, and gas-and-
ash plumes that rose from 4.3 km to 13.7 km altitude, drifting E and SSW. A 
large thermal anomaly over the dome was noted.

Between 12 January to 16 February, this activity continued. The number of 
earthquakes dipped to as low as 120 per day before increasing to 200 again 
during 2-9 February. Plumes during this time rose to an altitude of 3.5-6.5 km 
and drifted in a variety of directions. The large thermal anomaly over the dome 
remained. An eruption occurred on 6 February that was not visible on satellite 

Astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle noted a plume around 21 March (figure 16). 
On 29 March, an explosive event at Shiveluch produced an ash plume (figure 17) 
that, according to the Tokyo VAAC, reached an altitude of 11.9 km and drifted 
NE. The next day, an explosive event that lasted about 6 minutes produced a 
plume that reached altitudes of 10.1-12.2 km, and drifted NE. According to a 
news article, on 31 March, a mudflow covered an approximately 900-m-long 
section of road, in an area ~ 20 km from Shiveluch.

Figure 16. Plume from Shiveluch taken by astronauts aboard the International 
Space Station (ISS) around mid-morning on or around 21 March 2007. Photograph 
ISS014-E-17165. Courtesy of NASA.

Figure 17. Aqua satellite image of ash cloud discharged from Shiveluch. This 
image was taken on or about 29 March as the ash cloud, in the absence of 
significant wind, hovered directly over the summit. The cloud casts its shadow 
northward over the icy landscape. By using sun-angle computations and time of 
day, such shadows can be used to estimate plume-top altitudes. Courtesy of NASA 
(NASA/GSFC/MODIS Rapid Response Team).

In subsequent reports, KVERT indicated that seismic activity continued above 
background levels during 4-12 April. Based on seismic interpretation, 
observation, and video data, ash-and-steam plumes rose to altitudes of 4.5-7 km 
throughout this period. The large thermal anomaly was visible on satellite 
imagery during 1-10 April. As of 10 April, the Color Code at Shiveluch remained 
at Orange.

Geologic Summary. The high, isolated massif of Shiveluch volcano (also spelled 
Sheveluch) rises above the lowlands NNE of the Kliuchevskaya volcano group. The 
1300 cu km Shiveluch is one of Kamchatka's largest and most active volcanic 
structures. The summit of roughly 65,000-year-old Stary Shiveluch is truncated 
by a broad 9-km-wide late-Pleistocene caldera breached to the south. Many lava 
domes dot its outer flanks. The Molodoy Shiveluch lava dome complex was 
constructed during the Holocene within the large horseshoe-shaped caldera; 
Holocene lava dome extrusion also took place on the flanks of Stary Shiveluch. 
At least 60 large eruptions of Shiveluch have occurred during the Holocene, 
making it the most vigorous andesitic volcano of the Kuril-Kamchatka arc. 
Widespread tephra layers from these eruptions have provided valuable time 
markers for dating volcanic events in Kamchatka. Frequent collapses of dome 
complexes, most recently in 1964, have produced debris avalanches whose 
deposits cover much of the floor of the breached caldera.

Information Contacts: Olga A. Girina, Kamchatka Volcanic Eruptions Response 
Team (KVERT), a cooperative program of the Institute of Volcanic Geology and 
Geochemistry, Far East Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Piip Ave. 9, 
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii 683006, Russia (Email: girina@xxxxxxxxx); Kamchatka 
Experimental and Methodical Seismological Department (KEMSD), Geophysical 
service of the Russian Academy of Science (Russia) (URL: 
http://kbgs.kscnet.ru/information-e.html); Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory Center, 
Tokyo Aviation Weather Service Center, Haneda Airport 3-3-1, Ota-ku, Tokyo 144-
0041, Japan (http://www.jma.go.jp/JMA_HP/jma/jma-eng/jma-center/vaac/); Alaska 
Volcano Observatory (AVO), a cooperative program of the U.S. Geological Survey, 
4200 University Drive, Anchorage, 99508-4667, USA (Email: tlmurray@xxxxxxxx; 
URL: http://www.avo.alaska.edu/), Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, 
P.O. Box 757320, Fairbanks, 99775-7320, USA (Email: eisch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx), 
and the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, 794 University 
Ave., Suite 200, Fairbanks 99709, USA (Email: cnye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); Yelizovo 
Meteorological Watch Office, Yelizovo Airport Aviation Meteorology Center, 
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russian Federation, 684010 Kamchatka; Itar-Tass (URL: 
http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/); US National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration, NASA.


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