Post Doctoral Position in Volcanology-Geochemistry
Benoît VILLEMANT <villemant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
The Volcanology group at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
(IPGP-CNRS) invites applications for a Post-Doctoral position in
Volcanology. The candidate will be responsible of the measurement and
data exploitation of SO2 emissions at Piton de la Fournaise Volcano
(PdF, La Réunion, Indian Ocean) in the framework of the NOVAC European
project. The candidate is expected to participate in the “maxiDOAS”
instruments installation in the field and development at PdF in close
collaboration with the scientific and technical staff of the “Equipe de
Volcanologie” of IPGP (Paris and PdF Volcano Observatory, La Réunion)
and the assistance of NOVAC instrumentation partners (Chalmers and
Heidelberg Universities). The research activity will consist in both
field and laboratory work and focus on SO2 measurements in the field
before, during and after frequent eruptive periods, laboratory
measurements of S and other volatile species contents in erupted magmas
(residual melts and melt inclusions), data interpretation and
exploitation in terms of S budget for the PdF volcano, local impact of
gas emissions and risk assessment.
The candidate will partition in time between the geochemical laboratory
of IPG in Paris (Scientist in charge B. Villemant) and long term stays
at the Observatoire Volcanologique du Piton de la Fournaise at La
Réunion (Scientist in charge Th. Staudacher). In addition to DOAS
measurements in the field the applicant will use different analytical
techniques for S and other volatiles measurements (Pyrohydrolysis-IC and
ICP-MS, H2 and CO2 manometry, EPMA). This position with a salary
equivalent to that of a French assistant professor will be awarded for
~18months initially (until the end of the NOVAC project) and will begin
at mid of August 2007, time of maxiDOAS installation at PdF together
with the NOVAC partners of Chalmers University.
Applications are invited from candidates with demonstrated experience in
geochemistry, petrology or atmospheric chemistry. To apply, send (1) a
cover letter describing your research experience, (2) a curriculum
vitae, and (3) the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail
addresses of professional references.
For more information on NOVAC project see http://www.novac-project.eu/
Submit your application (with the Subject ‘NOVAC-IPGP’) to: Dr Benoît
VILLEMANT, IPGP, boîte 89, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005, Paris; e-mail
villemant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; http://www.ipgp.jussieu.fr/
Professeur, Université P&M Curie
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
UMR 7154, Equipe Volcanologie
adresse: T46-00 E3
Case courrier 109
4 Pl. Jussieu 75005 Paris, FRANCE
Tél (33) 01 44 27 73 44
Fax (33) 01 44 27 73 85
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