From: Steve McNutt (AVO-GI Volcanologist) <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to submit an abstract to the following IUGG session
JVS004: "Volcano Seismology" at the IUGG 2007, July 2-13, at Perugia, Italy.
This session is focussed at the interface between seismology and volcanology.
For those who wish to apply for a financial grant, submission of an
abstract will be necessary. The deadline for grant application and
abstract submission are the same.
Electronic abstract submission deadline: 28 February, 2007.
Please go through the IUGG2007 web for details. The following link
will take you to IUGG-2007 abstract submission. You need to register
before submitting an abstract.
We look forward to seeing all again in Italy.
Full details of the session are as follows:
JVS004 Volcano seismology (Joint IAVCEI, IASPEI)
Seismic monitoring of active and dormant volcanoes remains the key element of
any monitoring program undertaken by volcano observatories or research
institutions. Major advances in volcano seismology have been made in the last
years allowing us to identify several categories of volcanic seismic events, and
interpret them in terms of different magmatic or tectonic processes encountered
on a volcano. Attempts based on multi-disciplinary methodologies turned out to
be particularly successful.
This session is dedicated to latest developments in
volcano seismological monitoring techniques, interpretation and modelling
methodology in a wider volcanological context.
We invite contributions for both
oral and poster presentations that deal with any seismological aspects relevant
to volcano monitoring, new methodologies as well as case studies from a wide
variety of volcanic settings. This includes advances in seismic instrumentation,
as well as theoretical approaches. Particularly welcome are studies that combine
seismology with other monitoring or modelling techniques, such as ground
deformation, gas monitoring, petrology and fluid dynamics of magmatic systems.
Prof. Jurgen Neuberg, School of Earth and Environment, The University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom, Phone +44 113 343 6769, Fax +44 113 343 5259
E-mail: Locko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Prof. Maurizio Ripepe, Dipartimento Scienze dell Terra, Universita’ di Firenze,
Via LaPira, 4, 50121 – Firenze, Italy, Phone +39 055 2757479, Fax +39 055 218628
E-mail: Maurizio.ripepe@xxxxxxxx
Prof. Stephen R. McNutt, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks,
903 Koyukuk Drive, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320, USA, Phone 907-474-7131, Fax
907-474-5618, E-mail: steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Steve McNutt UAFGI
P.O. Box 757320 907-474-7131 tel
Fairbanks, AK 99775 907-474-5618 fax
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