Quantifying Long- and Short-Term Volcanic Hazard -
Building Up a Common Strategy for Italian Volcanoes
Dear Colleagues,
In the frame of the on-going INGV-DPC Agreement for "Studies and
Research on Active Italian Volcanoes", we announce the workshop entitled:
"Quantifying Long- and Short-Term Volcanic Hazard -
Building Up a Common Strategy for Italian Volcanoes"
which will be held in Erice (Sicily) from 6 to 8 November 2006. The
brochure and the program of the workshop can be downloaded at the
webpage http://www.bo.ingv.it/erice2006.
Submission of participation should be sent to the workshop secretariat
(vivanelli@xxxxxxxxxx) according with the modalities described in the
workshop brochure by no later than September 30, 2006.
The Workshop Organizing Panel
W. Marzocchi, A. Neri, C. Newhall, P. Papale
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