************************************ Fall AGU session: Rifting episodes ************************************ From: Freysteinn Sigmundsson <fs@xxxxx> Dear All, We are soliciting contributions to a session at the AGU fall meeting on dike injection episodes, prompted by last year's activity in Ethiopia. In addition to the results on the events in Ethiopia, we are particularly interested in presentations of results from previous rifting episodes in Iceland, Djibouti and on mid-ocean ridges. We also welcome contributions describing dike injection episodes in other areas. Deadline for contributions is 7 September. Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Tim J Wright and Roger Buck Session T31: New Observations of Dike Injection Episodes in Extensional Terrains Conveners: Tim J Wright, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Roger Buck Oceanic and late-stage continental rifting occurs by episodic dike injection along discrete magmatic segments in so-called "rifting episodes". Such episodes are rarely observed and hence their kinematics and dynamics are not fully understood. In September 2005, a seismic swarm around the Dabbahu (Boina) rift segment in Afar, Ethiopia, was associated with the intrusion of a 60 km long dike, up to 8 m wide, along the entire rift segment. This is the largest rifting episode to have occurred subaerially since the Krafla (Iceland 1975-1984) and Asal-Ghoubbet (Djibouti, 1978) episodes, and offers a unique opportunity to learn about crustal growth at divergent plate boundaries. We invite contributions that describe results from the broad spectrum of geophysical and geological techniques that have been applied to subaerial and submarine rifting episodes. This includes, but is not restricted to, seismology, geodesy, petrology, structural geology, remote sensing, magnetotellurics, marine geophysics and modelling. We are particularly interested in studies of previous rifting episodes (on land and submarine), observational or theoretical investigations of the whole rifting cycle (co-, post- and inter-rifting deformation), and constraints on the role of magma. ============================================================== To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxxx To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxxx Please do not send attachments. ==============================================================