Hi everyone, My never-ending stream of bumps in the road to success continues.. Everything is working like it should now, with DHCP. Now it's just a performance issue. When downloading from the internet I constantly get 10Mbit/sec. * Client -> (100Mbit)cisco vlan (same speed on both vlan's) -> (100Mbit)trunk linux eth1 -> (10mbit)eth0 with nat to internet But between the vlans I only get aprox. 2Mbit. * Client -> (100Mbit) Cisco vlan 5 -> (100Mbit) Trunk to linux box and back on vlan 52 -> (100Mbit) Ftp-server Cant find any errors logged, no load on the system, just a transfer rate that jumps between 80 and 240 Kbytes/sec. Driver(3c59x) is patched, running kernel 2.4.27 as well) No iptables rules are active except for NAT. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, Magnus Ternstr?m