On 4/17/2015 2:13 PM, VDR User wrote:
For those of you using Raspberry Pi or Allwinner boards, how is osd
performance? If the osd is fast & smooth, I'm interested in building
a couple vdr setups like those (maybe Raspberry Pi 2. Rpi is just too
slow). Any degrade in performance is a deal-breaker for me.
OSD performance is not an issue on an allwinnerA20, with one exception.
I have 640GB SD recordings. The first time after VDR startup, opening
the list with recordings is a bit slow (about a second). This is on a
olimex A20 board, running both the VDR server and xineliboutput and
Come to think of it, I heard codi (xbmp) has support for hardware
decoded video playback on the A20, and vdr has support for xbmc via
vdr-plugin-vnsiserver. Is there anybody who has taken this route? How
did it go?
the other route I heard of is VDR+softhddevice via vdpau and cedarX. Has
anybody got this running on an A20? Does it actually yields accelerated
video playback?
I have managed to use mplayer to playback my recordings using cedarX,
but that's some time ago:
Kind regards,
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