Davide Cavalca wrote:> Il giorno sab, 06/09/2008 alle 02.58 +0200, syrius.ml@xxxxxxxxxx ha> scritto:> >> but vdr has not evolved for years !>> no real new features, it's still meant to be used with one ff dvb-s>> card. there's a plugin interface but most of the time you don't want>> to hear about bugs when somebody is using a plugin.>> what's the point then ?>> And, what about this blackmail thing ?>> Wouldn't it be simpler to say "i don't have time anymore, my needs won't>> evolve and i don't want to code features i won't use, please carry on !" ?>> >> I'm neither Klaus not a regular of this list, but I think you're not> being fair here: Klaus has every right to say he won't develop on a> community tree; it is, after all, his own free time. BTW, if I remember> well, Klaus has coded several features (i.e. subtitles) he himself said> he didn't use. > Like it or not, VDR is a "cathedral"-style project: this has led to> higher code quality and very good stability, at the expense of a slower> development pace and the lack of some bleeding-edge features in the> mainline. If you want those features, you can use a patch posted on this> list (e.g. for hdtv, sourcecaps) or use a plugin (e.g. for teletext> subtitles). Many distributions include those patches or provide a way> for the user to easily appy them. Of course, you're also free to develop> your own patches for new features: if they're good enough, I'm sure> they'll eventually find their way into the mainline, as it happened,> e.g., with the shutdown handling rewrite some time ago.>> You say you want to fork it: what would you accomplish with that? It's> not as if the code would magically write itself. I've yet to see a> single prospective developer say "if it were forked I'd write X". (And,> BTW, there's nothing forbidding him to write X in form of a patch and> post it on this list.) On the other hand, by forking you'd probably lose> Klaus, who has written by himself the majority of VDR code and knows it> like no one else.>> Finally, I personally fail to see why people switching to MythTV is a> bad thing; VDR is not a religion, I think everyone should use whichever> software he thinks suits best his needs. I'm very happy with VDR and> won't be switching anytime soon.>> Davide>>>> _______________________________________________> vdr mailing list> vdr@xxxxxxxxxxx> http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr>> Couldn't have said it better. Spot on. I think the majority of long-time users like myself feels exactly the same way. Years ago I tried both Myth and VDR and the choice of VDR was easy for me then. If it would have been today maybe it would have a different outcome but so what? To have to choose between to good thing is't that bad, is it? I have helped at least 20 (mostly non-linux users) people set up their own VDR-boxes and everybody loves it./Magnus Hörlin _______________________________________________vdr mailing listvdr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vdr