Sorry, but a lot of terms you propose are not used in real world... This is a reason why I do not use Germanized version of Linux etc. I simply do not understand a lot of terms. - "Reset", + "R?cksetzen", Noone says "R?cksetzen" ... How about Neustart - "Zeitpuffer bei Anfang (min)", + "Vorlauf zum Timer-Beginn (min)", Zeitpuffer is better than Vorlauf, how about Zeitpuffer vor dem Timer (min) or if you insinst on Vorlauf Vorlaufzeit vor dem Timer (min) - "Zeitpuffer bei Ende (min)", + "Nachlauf am Timer-Ende (min)", Same here, Zeitpuffer nach dem Timer (min) Nachlaufzeit nach Timer (min) - "Zeitpuffer bei VPS (s)", + "Zeitvorlauf bei VPS (s)", Zeitpuffer bei VPS (s) or Vorlaufzeit bei VPS (s) - "Mindest Event Pause (min)", + "Br?ckenzeit zwischen Timern (min)", I have no idea what this means (I don't use this option) so I do not understand it at all which is bad. Every option should be easily understood without looking into the manual. - "Fernbedienungs-Codes lernen", + "Fernbedienung anlernen", You don't teach the remotecontrol but you teach vdr, so this one is misleading. Could be Fernbedienungstasten lernen - "Phase 2: Einzelne Tastencodes lernen", + "Phase 2: Tastenbelegung anlernen", anlernen sounds strange, why not Phase 2: Tastenbelegung lernen - "Phase 3: Codes abspeichern", + "Phase 3: Tastenbelegung abspeichern", Phase 3: Tastenbelegung speichern Cheers Thilo -- Thilo Wunderlich