Setup: -vdr-1.3.27-enAIO-2.4.diff -vdr-1.3.27-subtitles-0.3.7-and-ttxtsubs-0.0.5.diff -vdr-1.3.27-finnish.diff and plugins (and patches when needed): -vdr-femon-0.9.0 -vdr-mp3-0.9.12 -vdr-osdteletext-0.5 + vdr-osdteletext-0.5-finnish.diff patch -vdr-subtitles-0.3.7 -vdr-text2skin-1.1 (cvs) -vdr-ttxtsubs-0.0.5 + vdr-ttxtsubs-0.0.5-premium-edition.diff patch -vdr-tvonscreen-0.7.0 + vdr-tvonscreen-0.7.0-1.3.diff patch -vdr-timeline-0.9.0 + vdr-1.3.25-timeline-0.9.0.diff patch -vdr-sysinfo-0.0.4a DVB drivers are from kernel DVB-C card is Technotrend's FF card (v1.5 iirc). NTPL is disabled (export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1). Bug: DVB driver + VDR: Data stream broken => Emergency exit -Timeshifting or booting computer up to the channel where data stream has gotten broken => Emergency exit without possibility to change the channel to working one. VDR also does not start automatically when using runvdr script. Solution: if this happens then VDR should change the channel to something else (e.g. start from the first channel on the list and move forward until working one is found). Alternatively better solution would be not to mind about data stream broken problem and show static image (error image) and allow user to change the channel. Pasi