Setup: -vdr-1.3.27-enAIO-2.4.diff -vdr-1.3.27-subtitles-0.3.7-and-ttxtsubs-0.0.5.diff -vdr-1.3.27-finnish.diff and plugins (and patches when needed): -vdr-femon-0.9.0 -vdr-mp3-0.9.12 -vdr-osdteletext-0.5 + vdr-osdteletext-0.5-finnish.diff patch -vdr-subtitles-0.3.7 -vdr-text2skin-1.1 (cvs) -vdr-ttxtsubs-0.0.5 + vdr-ttxtsubs-0.0.5-premium-edition.diff patch -vdr-tvonscreen-0.7.0 + vdr-tvonscreen-0.7.0-1.3.diff patch -vdr-timeline-0.9.0 + vdr-1.3.25-timeline-0.9.0.diff patch -vdr-sysinfo-0.0.4a DVB drivers are from kernel DVB-C card is Technotrend's FF card (v1.5 iirc). NTPL is disabled (export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1). Bug: VDR+femon: AC3 sound info flickers on and off 1. View channel with AC3 sound (e.g. Canal+ Film2) 2. Start femon and view AC3 sound info => AC3 information is shown only very brief moment before turning to black. Info is most of the time off. However, the sound seems to be OK and does not switch between AC3 and stereo (surround) according to the receiver. => Info bar of the femon also behaves similarly - showing DD 5.1 info only briefly Pasi