On Tuesday 17 May 2005 17:07, anthony hornby wrote: > Hi Matthias, > > Some more stuff .... > > I worked out how to get to the next step. > Now when I run emerge vdrplugin-softdevice I get the following errors. > > > mmc root # emerge vdrplugin-softdevice > Calculating dependencies - > !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "media-video/vidix-cvs" have been > masked. > !!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your > request: > - media-video/vidix-cvs-0.0.1 (masked by: ~x86 keyword) > > For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man page > or > section 2.2 "Software Availability" in the Gentoo Handbook. > !!! (dependency required by "media-video/vdrplugin-softdevice-0.1.0- > r1" [ebuild]) > hello! I fixed the vidix-cvs ebuild. You should also think wheather you need vidix or xv or dfb and change your use-flags according. Please go to vdr-portal.de to report further problems with the gentoo.de ebuilds. Or file a bug under bugs.gentoo.de. Matthias