udo_richter@xxxxxx(Udo Richter) 06.05.05 02:40 >Rainer Zocholl wrote: >> See that this is a race condition? >> All these attemps occurs in the same second! >Actually not a race condition, more like a denial of service. OK. a "It does not work any more"-state ;-) >Had something similar once, because of missing write access to a >folder. VDR fails and tries again and again. There is no 'giving up' >state for VDR. >> Is that fixed in newer releases? >Just compared sources, there are no relevant changes in that area >between .18 and .23. So I would guess that updating wont solve your >problem. Thanks. >In that case where your disk did run full: >Did you have remaining *.del recordings waiting for cleanup? Yes. I deleted them manually finally form console I was very upset as i marked recordings over recordings for deletion, and VDR did not delete them. So i rebooted VDR "usually" a rebooted VDR "usually" first removes all "*.del" but it did not AFAIR Maybe that "cleanup" did not happen because a recording immediately starts? Next time i will write down what was done. Now it's 10 days ago and i did not pay much attention to it. >Are you sure there were *.rec recordings that were free for deleting? >These clean up old recordings rules are *very* tricky. Seems so..no KISS ;-) >I'm working on a patch that marks 'ready to delete' recordings, >because I usually let VDR decide what to delete and when. (just dont >have the time to get it completed.) As long as you dont see what may >get deleted, this strategy is a mine field. "find -mane '*.del'" helps and is very fast. But a key: "please lauch the deletion thread now" would be nice. Too a record size indicator would be nice, as i have still some recordings with VPS and it happens, that VDR restarts the recording at the begin of the next programm and sometime it records until i turn off the box... Rainer---<=====> Vertraulich // // <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------