Markku Tavasti <tavasti@xxxxxx> writes: > - Jammed and killed by watchdog all the time. I had problems with > DXR3, but now usability is worse. After pressing back from viewing > recoderd program 50% it gets jammed and watchdog restart. There was > recording running at the same time, and also noad running (with nice). Progress this far: - memtest86 and cpuburn reveal no problems, both run without problems (memtest 2 full rounds, burnP5 1h, burnMMX 10min, burnBX 10min) - Fixed my antenna cable (better signal) - Removed debug messages from vdr (I had -l3) - Changed setting 'update channels' from 'add new transponder' to 'no update' - Tested with no extra programs running (no noad, no rsync over network) and works quite fine. Test was quick, we'll see if it is really stable & usable, but at least it looked much better. > - Picture, all colors are too bright. I need > to adjust brigtness, color and contrast (and still not happy). I > suppose this would need some module parameter, but did not had time > to study this far. Tried different 'options dvb-ttpci vidmode=X' settings. 0 disables composite video, 3 gives Black&White. 1 and 2 give dark picture with too bright colors. Something wrong with card? Picture was perfect with dxr3. -- M. Tavasti / tavasti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx / +358-40-5078254