On Fri, Apr 22, 2005 at 07:35:14PM +0100, Darren Salt wrote: > > That's what I was hoping you'd say! I did toy with the idea of grabbing the > > relevant bits and building myself a deb but if you are going to do it! > > You still need to do that. I plan to wait until xorg source appears in > testing (etch, not sarge), at which point, according to the sources file in > Henning Glawe's unichrome repository, I'll only need to add libxvmcw to my > repository - I'd rather not add both that and a patched xfree86... even that would not be necessairy when xorg is included in debian: xvmcw is include in xorg > Anyway, the main reason for -1vdr9 (which is now available) is here: > <URL:http://xinehq.de/index.php/security/XSA-2004-8> If I have time, I'll update my packages this weekend ;) -- c u henning