Contact: Glen Sachet, 503-808-2790 June 12, 2015 New Fire and Aviation Director Named for Pacific Northwest and Alaska Forest Service Regions PORTLAND, Ore. Pacific Northwest Regional Forester, Jim Peña, and Alaska Regional Forester, Beth Pendleton announced the selection of Kevin Martin as the new Director for Fire & Aviation Management for both regions. “Kevin brings senior leadership skill both as a tenured Forest Supervisor for ten years, and as an active member of the fire leadership community,” said Peña. “Kevin is fundamentally driven by relationships, his tenure as a Forest Supervisor
is marked by outstanding and innovative relationships with states, counties, tribes and the public at large. He values learning, and will be a strong proponent for integrating fire with other functions across both regions.” Kevin is currently the Forest Supervisor on the Umatilla National Forest. He has been a stable member of the National Line Officer Team for several years. He helped create and serves as a coach for Agency Administrators at the National
Fire Training Center, and is currently the national lead for re-working National Fire Management Leadership. Kevin's report date is July 12. “I am excited and honored to be offered this new opportunity,” said Martin. “The position is very different from what I have been doing for the last 10 years as a Forest Supervisor. It was a very difficult decision to make. The employees
on the Umatilla National Forest are amazing and I will miss working with them every day. I will miss the communities and the relationships with all the folks around the Blues.” Martin succeeds David Summer who retires July 2, with 42 years of federal service. David’s career has spanned the country in work and incident assignments from the simplest to the most complex and tragic. “David has excelled at assimilating and synthesizing those experiences and learning into the highest level of leadership,” said Peña. “His coaching and mentorship has been invaluable and we will miss him greatly.” The Pacific Northwest Region consists of 16 National Forests, 59 District Offices, a National Scenic Area, and a National Grassland. The Alaska Region consists of two national forests, the Tongass, and the Chugach National Forest; however,
they are the largest national forests in the Country. The Chugach surrounds Prince William Sound and is near Anchorage.
The Tongass includes the islands and mainland of southeastern Alaska and surrounds the towns of Ketchikan, Sitka, Juneau, Petersburg, Wrangell, Yakutat and Skagway. |