U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Coconino National Forest www.twitter.com/CoconinoNF www.flickr.com/photos/coconinonationalforest For Immediate Release August 21, 2014
Media Contact:
Brienne Magee 928-527-8290
Brady Smith 928-527-3490 C.C. Cragin (Blue Ridge) Reservoir and FR751 closed starting Friday
Clints Well, Ariz. –
Starting tomorrow (Friday, August 22), the entire C.C. Cragin (Blue Ridge) Reservoir as well as Forest Road 751 will be closed. Rock Crossing Campground nearby will remain open for the season.
The closure will encompass the entire reservoir – not just the boat ramp – for public safety due to low water levels, loose rock falling on and around the boat ramp, as well as improvement
work throughout the area. Forest managers on the Mogollon Rim Ranger District plan to reopen the reservoir in the spring.
For additional information and suggestions for other recreational opportunities in the area, visit our website at
www.fs.usda.gov/coconino or contact the Mogollon Rim Ranger District at 928-477-2255.
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Reservoir Closed Flyer 082114.pdf
Description: Reservoir Closed Flyer 082114.pdf