U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service Coconino National Forest www.twitter.com/CoconinoNF www.flickr.com/photos/coconinonationalforest For Immediate Release September 17, 2014 Media Contact:
Brienne Magee, 928-527-8290 Construction on Forest Service Road 618 will cause temporary delays
Flagstaff, Ariz. – The Coconino National Forest’s Engineering Crew began work yesterday on Forest Road 618 – sometimes known as
Beaver Creek Road – to repair drainage systems damaged by recent heavy rains and flooding. The public should expect delays of up to 30 minutes as sections of the road are temporarily closed for public and crew safety.
Work will take place on a 5-7 mile stretch of the southern portion of the road, starting from the junction with Hwy 260. Crews plan to be on site from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mondays through
Saturdays. The entire project is expected to take approximately two weeks. The road will be open to through-traffic outside of operating hours and on Sundays. To avoid delays during operations, visitors to areas such as Bullpen Recreational Area, Bell Trail, Wet Beaver
Canyon, Bull Pen, Walker Basin, V bar V Heritage Site and Beaver Creek Campground can use the north entrance of FR 618 accessed via the interchange for I-17 and State Route 179. For more information on this and other Forest Service news please visits our website at
or call the Red Rock Ranger District at 928-203-2900.
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