Tongass National Forest News Release
Contact: Jeff Defreest
Email: jdefreest@xxxxxxxxx
Phone: 907-789-6202
Date: May 26, 2009
Forest Service signs ROD on Angoon hydroelectric project
Juneau, AK – Residents of Angoon are one step closer to realizing a hydroelectric facility to power their community—a facility which could potentially lower the cost of electric bills and reduce the village’s dependence on expensive diesel-generated power.
Tongass National Forest Supervisor Forrest Cole signed the Record of Decision for the project May 8. Cole, selecting Alternative 3 from the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the project. The Selected Alternative requires buried power line and other terms and conditions to provide protection to resources in the project area, on Thayer Creek.
Kootznoowoo, Inc., the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act corporation for the city of Angoon, is the project proponent. In 2003, Kootznoowoo asked the Forest Service to begin the process necessary to permit and develop a hydroelectric facility, pursuant to the rights granted in the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), which exempted the hydroelectric project from the requirements of the Wilderness Act.
The Selected Alternative describes the terms and conditions required for issuance of a Special Use Authorization related to the construction and operation of the hydroelectric facility. This means Kootznoowoo must obtain all necessary federal and state permits, as well as submit to the Forest Service design plans, site plans, and specifications as necessary to assure consistency and compliance with the ROD.
The Forest Service will then review the proposal and determine if it meets prescribed conditions for protection of natural resources, recreational, heritage and scenic values. Upon issuance of the Special Use Authorization, construction can begin.
Individuals or organizations who submitted comments during the comment period may appeal this decision. The notice of appeal must be submitted in writing within 45 calendar days of Thursday, May 21, the date that the legal notification of this decision was published in the Ketchikan Daily News, the official newspaper of record. Send notices of appeal by regular mail, fax or e-mail to the Appeal Deciding Officer:
Denny Bschor
Regional Forester
Alaska Region, U.S. Department of Agriculture
709 W. 9th Street
P.O. Box 21628
Juneau, AK 99802-1628
E-mail address: appeals-alaska-regional-office@xxxxxxxxx
Fax: (907) 586-7840
For more information or copies of the ROD, contact Jeff DeFreest at 907-789-6202, or by e-mail jdefreest@xxxxxxxxxx
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