Link: Release No. 0327.05 Kristin Scuderi (202) 720-4623 Deborah Frank (504) 426-0116 USDA'S NATIONAL FINANCE CENTER IS SELECTED AS A SHARED SERVICE CENTER AS PART OF THE FEDERAL E-GOVERNMENT PROGRAM NEW ORLEANS, La., Aug. 25, 2005 - The United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has announced the selection of USDA's National Finance Center (NFC) as one of five Shared Service Center (SSC) providers under OPM's Human Resources Line of Business (HRLOB). "Being selected as a Shared Service Center is an excellent opportunity for NFC," said Jerry Lohfink, NFC Director. "The selection of NFC is a tribute to the commitment of our staff and their drive to do more for their customers and the taxpayers by providing improved, innovative services at a low cost. We are excited to be part of an initiative that is projected to produce savings of $1.1 billion over 10 years." NFC is part of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer of USDA. NFC is a fee-for-service organization that provides systems and services centered around Federal employees. It currently services Federal organizations in all three Branches of Government and operates several Government-wide programs. The vision of the HRLOB is to create Government-wide, modern, cost-effective, standardized, and interoperable human resource solutions to support the strategic management of human capital. These common solutions will enable departments and agencies to work more effectively to meet the human capital goals of the President's Management Agenda. NFC currently provides payroll services to more than 130 Federal entities and human capital system services to nine Federal organizations. NFC will begin offering these and additional human resource management services to Federal organizations under its HRLOB designation. In addition to offering a state-of-the-art Human Capital Management System, NFC will offer a wide array of support services including traditional personnel and payroll office services. "We truly believe that we can play an integral role in assisting OPM in achieving the goals of the President's Management Agenda by offering a true value proposition to Federal organizations in terms of proven, reliable, and cost-effective services delivered with the best interests of the Federal employee in mind," stated John White, NFC Deputy Director. NFC is recognized as a leader within the Federal Government and continues to expand its vast array of services and aggressively pursue new business opportunities. NFC is well positioned to assume this new HRLOB role based on its 40 years of highly successful payroll/personnel service to a large and diverse customer base. NFC was selected in 2003 as one of four government-wide electronic payroll (e-Payroll) providers and currently payrolls more than 25-percent of the Federal civilian workforce. NFC is the first government owned and operated entity certified by the Federal Identity Credentialing Committee for providing e-Authentication Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) services. NFC won the President's Quality award in 2004 for its innovative and results-oriented PKI program. Approximately 1,500 USDA employees are located at the NFC on its campus in eastern New Orleans. # USDA News 202 720-4623 ---------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send email to and reference your email address.