One critical need for a 2nd mark is evident in how I both read and, at times, participate in threads. Some newsgroups that I follow have an enormous number of threads, such that viewing the first page of threads ("TOP") shows only 1% of the total. comp.lang.perl.misc, comp.unix.solaris,, alt.usage.english -- these groups are *huge*. The way I (try) to read such groups is by going through all the thread-subjects, perhaps looking at who the posters are, and marking them as something I'd (eventually) like to read. (And later I'll come in, starting at the BOT final-page of threads, and do the same, working backwards until I run into some plus-signs.) ---- Mostly I just read the articles I've marked, but sometimes I'll post my own question, or perhaps make a comment on an existing thread. --- The (er, my) problem is that the ones I've posted to, and people are nice enough to respond to, thus answering some question I've asked, and for which it is only polite for me to *soon* check back and see if there's a response (or two or ten), and for which it is exceedingly *rude* to *not* notice a response for a week or two ("I'll never help *him* again -- doesn't even have the common courtesy to read our goddamn well-thought-out answers to his questions!") -- those important-to-get-back-to-QUICKLY threads are mixed in with the vastly more that are only "of interest, but only for reading". QUESTION: is there anyone on this list who has a similar problem, of it being far too easy, when following and also posting to several groups, to unintentionally (*very* unintentionally) have things "fall through the cracks"? Or am I the only one, and everyone else here reads at most only two or three groups? --- I'll follow this by another "post" to this list, with one or two superficial ideas on eliminating this (my) problem -- I'll keep that separate from this, where we can discuss the *need* for some better way to be able to quickly get to (rather, be led to) the threads we've posted to ourselves. Comments, please. And work-arounds that any of you might have discovered (described in some tutorial way, perhaps, for eventual addition to a hints-and-tricks appendix or separate manual or faq). Thanks, David ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old cell phone? Get a new here for FREE!