Re: Is there any saving of KMenu?

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On Friday 11 June 2021 06:12:25 pm dep wrote:
> said Nick Koretsky:
> | On Fri, 11 Jun 2021 15:45:12 -0500
> |
> | Michael <mb_trinity_desktop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> | > On Friday 11 June 2021 02:12:48 pm dep wrote:
> | > > Nor is there any place I can find a simple file that contains all
> | > > the entries in one's KMenu, such that one might rearrange them by
> | > > hand. It is surely stored someplace, but I cannot find it. It ought
> | > > to be able to be opened in a spreadsheet such that the order could
> | > > be altered with a click.
> | >
> | > Okay, this will suck...
> | >
> | > - Open a command prompt
> | > - Do nothing for more than 1 minute...
> | > - Edit something in KMenu
> | > - Then run these two commands
> | >
> | > # find / -newerct $(date +%Y-%m-%d -d '1 min ago') -type f
> | > # find / -newermt $(date +%Y-%m-%d -d '1 min ago') -type f
> | >
> | > The first does "Change" time, the second does "Create" time.
> | >
> | > And you *should*! be able to find where KMenu stores it changes in...
> |
> | This will not help. There is .config/menus/
> | but it only contains manually edited things.
> | AFAIK the actual menu is assembled in memory from .desktop files
> A glance at it suggests that it includes lots of things that I didn't add
> manually. But it would also be a huge headache to try to edit it into any
> kind of order.
> Still, it's more than nothing. I just see no obvious way, other than
> cut'n'paste in a text editor, to manipulate it.
> Am I the only one who finds KMenu troublesome?
> --
> dep

Which is why, since they went xml or whatever, I've been creating my own 

What I do, is create a dir called "system" in my user dir
then add 'kmenu" 
I give the dir a hidden icon, setup the .directory file. 
Submenus, and desktop items.

I then add them as quick browsers to kicker.

I use kbfx as a main menu (thank you Ali) search function to find items I want 
and copy them to the appropriate submenu in my custom kmenu. 

The kids love the "penguin menu" where all the most used items are.

This can easily be customized using drag and drop and text editors.

I also create a custom menu using keditmenu to add items I want to have 
keyboard hot keys. 

A few steps but once it's done you can back it up, add, subtract items etc.
Been doing it since 3.5.



Attachment: PenguinMenu1.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: PenguinMenu.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: PenguinMenu2.png
Description: PNG image

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