On Friday 21 May 2021 15:41:15 Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote: > Anno domini 2021 Fri, 21 May 12:03:48 -0700 > > William Morder via tde-users scripsit: > > Real men don't join users groups, and especially don't subscribe to > > mailing lists. Least of all do they (I mean, we) need your advice. > > Real men are out there, somewhere in the wilderness, at least in our > > dreams, wrestling bears and tigers. > > ;-) > > *grin* real men eat there meat raw, have fur and claws and occupy the > sweet spot in front of the oven dreaming of real men in the wilderness > .... or more meat :) > Either that or more co-operative women. Brings up a war story. The owner of the tv station I was the CE at for nearly 20 years, back in NTSC days, after I retied, flew me to his other properties to put out some technical fires he had, and one of them was KREX in Grand Junction CO, so I spent a couple months there as a visiting fireman, but the Chief he had at the time was chasing a woman in a mountain village 150 miles away, so when I arrived, he took the engineering vehicle and disappeared, leaving my driving the owners pickup. Technically the place was a mess, with video cables double or triple terminated with the usual horrible effects on the video from all the echo's. So I disconnected them and figured if enough people squawked, I could get some more video da's and wire it up correctly. But I was doing 12 hour days as it was, and that never got done. That control room actually fed 4 transmitters and several "relay stations" that pretty well covered the western slopes. To say it was crowded was an understatement Took me a couple months but I had all 4 stations looking good on the air when I figured I had done as much as I was going to get done on that trip west. But a few months later I was asked to go do it again, and when I arrived, I found all of my fixes had been undone by the other engineer. But he was still on site. I took him back into the room where the KREX transmitter was and came unwrapped. And I explained the term VSWR in very colorfull terms. At one point he looked like he was going to take a swing because I was seriously abusing his family tree. But I eventually ran down. He stood there, silent for perhaps 30 seconds, and finally asked "why the hell wasn't I teaching someplace, not one of his college professors had explained it, in anything like I had just done, now I usderstand it", this from a papered, 4 years of EE schooling graduate. And he is catching hell, litterally, from an 8th grade grammer school graduate. I replied that I didn't know where he had graduated from, but it was obvious to me he should be sueing for a tuition refund at the very least. He wasted those years. Sometimes the slot machine of life pays off, I went a long ways toward making a broadcast engineer out of him that day. The biggest lesson he learned that day is that he was still teachable. I am still running into people with a degree who are convinced they learned it all in school and won't put in the effort to learn anything new. Stay away from folks like that, they will drag you down to their level. You should go to school, not to learn by rote, that will be stale before you get across the stage for a diploma, but to learn how to learn for the rest of your life. Never, ever, let your curiosity go unanswered. Except maybe about gravity, which hasn't made it into the TOE despite 100+ years of trying by some 5 star minds. We don't even know its PV! Take care and stay well folks. Cheers, Gene Heskett -- "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author) If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable. - Louis D. Brandeis Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene> ____________________________________________________ tde-users mailing list -- users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Web mail archive available at https://mail.trinitydesktop.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx