On Sat, 8 Dec 2018, Thierry de Coulon wrote:
On Saturday 08 December 2018 05.46:05 Felmon Davis wrote:
I decided to upgrade from Jessie to Stretch last night. it seems to
have worked though there are some oddities.
now VLC has grotesquely large control buttons ("Pause", etc.); the
interface in general seems to run on a different 'theme' and anyway
is over-large.
note a complication: I had Devuan installed and just did the Stretch
update but not sure of its relevance (thus I mention it).
All I can say is I have stretch and TDE on several machines, as well as VLC,
and I see none of these. No idea if Devuan could be a source of trouble but
your problem quite probably has a local cause.
I add a snaphot of what vlc looks like here, in case what I see is what you
find ugly :)
it is beautiful. I am overwhelmed!
and jealous. it's more or less what I used to have.
had trouble trying to fetch older versions from online. one compile
failed but don't want to open another "rabbit hole".
I've played with some skins but they don't solve the problem (big
control buttons) and they add different varieties of ugliness.
I'm in the process of pulling it up by the roots (synaptic seems
helpful, 'apt-get purge' left a lot of debris) and attempting a
Felmon Davis
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