I decided to upgrade from Jessie to Stretch last night. it seems to
have worked though there are some oddities.
now VLC has grotesquely large control buttons ("Pause", etc.); the
interface in general seems to run on a different 'theme' and anyway
is over-large.
I have tried the "forced window style" option under "preferences" but
none of the various options but they make no different in these
respects. maybe 'CDE' comes closest.
I have purged and re-installed VLC also to no avail.
I have looked at the 'themes' VLC offers. awful. just want my
orange-colored working interface back.
the only other application I've found which has undergone similar
changes is Pan - it has a more 'pastel' shaded control set which I
don't appreciate but can ignore.
note a complication: I had Devuan installed and just did the Stretch
update but not sure of its relevance (thus I mention it).
Felmon Davis
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