Hi all, Once again, this is my problem : logging to target by key exchanges through an ssh gateway (bastion) with different identities. The target's identity is kept on the bastion not the local box. Windows Linux Linux | | | Putty OpenSSH_5.6p1 Openssh any version | | | Client ----------> Bastion ----------> Target \_________________/ \________________/ Client's Key bastion's key (Pagent) (ssh-agent) I can do proxycommand but can't get key exchange to work because the proxycommand is based on a netcat raw connection - which can't do key exchange as far I know ! Here is my putty proxycommands I tried without success since it's a final password prompt instead of the kex bastion/target : plink.exe -a %user@%proxyhost "ssh -a -t -W %host:%port localhost"\n or plink.exe -t -a %user@%proxyhost -nc <target_ip_address>:22 \n (/!\ note the putty's "-nc" included command doesn't resolve names to ip ...) I've also tried successfully for the authentication ut unsuccessfully for the usability (raw terminal mode without vi, or control characters) : plink.exe -t %user@%proxyhost -agent "ssh -p %port -l %user %host"\n Thanks for your interest, NF Post-scriptum La Poste Ce message est confidentiel. Sous reserve de tout accord conclu par ecrit entre vous et La Poste, son contenu ne represente en aucun cas un engagement de la part de La Poste. Toute publication, utilisation ou diffusion, meme partielle, doit etre autorisee prealablement. Si vous n'etes pas destinataire de ce message, merci d'en avertir immediatement l'expediteur.