Hi, My IT department is really heavy on security. From outside the building, they have a rather complex system setup so that you can get around the firewall and ssh into a single machine. From there, you have to ssh into the machine you want to use. To simplify things, I have been using a tunnel to hop from my machine directly (through the tunnel) to the machine I want to use in the building. This has worked fine until a couple of days ago when IT decided to prohibit tunneling for "security reasons" (attempting to use the tunnel now responds with "channel 3: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed"). This has made it almost impossible to work with the system. What I am wondering is exactly what "security risk" does an ssh tunnel pose? I thought you used an ssh tunnel to enhance security, not the other way around. Can someone give me a reason why it is a risk to leave this open or give me good arguments that I can forward to IT for why they should not prohibit tunneling? Thanks, David -- ********************************** David M. Kaplan Charge de Recherche 1 Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement Centre de Recherche Halieutique Mediterraneenne et Tropicale av. Jean Monnet B.P. 171 34203 Sete cedex France Phone: +33 (0)4 99 57 32 27 Fax: +33 (0)4 99 57 32 95 http://www.ur097.ird.fr/team/dkaplan/index.html **********************************