Re: Problems Forwarding

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On 1/30/07, Jay Chandler <chandler@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Tomas Kuliavas wrote:
> >> A few users here cannot forward mail for some odd reason.
> >>
> >> I checked the logs, and the error in httpd-errors.log is:
> >>
> >> [Mon Jan 29 18:46:17 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
> >> Undefined variable: theme_default in
> >> /usr/local/www/squirrelmail/include/load_prefs.php on line 68, referer:
> >>
> >> [Mon Jan 29 18:46:17 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
> >> Undefined variable: theme_css in
> >> /usr/local/www/squirrelmail/include/load_prefs.php on line 76, referer:
> >>
> >> [Mon Jan 29 18:46:17 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
> >> Undefined variable: default_move_to_sent in
> >> /usr/local/www/squirrelmail/include/load_prefs.php on line 82, referer:
> >>
> >> [Mon Jan 29 18:46:17 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
> >> Undefined variable: default_move_to_trash in
> >> /usr/local/www/squirrelmail/include/load_prefs.php on line 84, referer:
> >>
> >> [Mon Jan 29 18:46:17 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
> >> Undefined variable: default_save_as_draft in
> >> /usr/local/www/squirrelmail/include/load_prefs.php on line 86, referer:
> >>
> >> [Mon Jan 29 18:46:17 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
> >> Undefined variable: default_unseen_type in
> >> /usr/local/www/squirrelmail/include/load_prefs.php on line 88, referer:
> >>
> >> [Mon Jan 29 18:46:17 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
> >> Undefined variable: default_unseen_notify in
> >> /usr/local/www/squirrelmail/include/load_prefs.php on line 91, referer:
> >>
> >> [Mon Jan 29 18:46:17 2007] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
> >> Undefined variable: default_use_javascript_addr_book in
> >> /usr/local/www/squirrelmail/include/load_prefs.php on line 263, referer:
> >>
> >>
> >> Any words of wisdom for me?

FYI, these are all notices, which do not stop script execution.  From
a cursory look, they don't appear to have much to do with forwarding
mails, but again, this is just cursory.  You sure the forward never
goes out?  What does the screen do?  Does it appear as if it was sent?
 In that case, watch your maillog, not the web server log.  If the
screen somehow stays on the compose screen, look for fatal PHP errors
too.  These notices shouldn't be happening either, so they could be
related, but anyway...

> > Could you make sure that you have all SquirrelMail configuration variables
> > in your configuration file.
> >
> > If you have register_globals turned on, make sure that setting is turned
> > off or show list of enabled plugins with version numbers and all
> > modifications made in src/login.php.

Look in each plugin directory for a "version" file.  I will put it on
my list to make the configtest script and the bug report print out
version info for plugins.  Maybe if possible.

Sorry, no time to look at the rest of this to sniff the PHP notice
problems you're having.  Maybe Tomas will look at it.

> >
> Okay.  I'm unaware of any good way to obtain the plugin versions-- if
> you could assist with that I'd be grateful.  The only changes in
> login.php were to add some custom text on the landing page, nothing else.
> <?php
> /**
>  * SquirrelMail Configuration File
>  * Created using the configure script,
>  */
> global $version;
> $config_version = '1.4.0';
> $config_use_color = 2;
> $org_name      = "Chapman University";
> $org_logo      = SM_PATH . 'images/chapmanbanner.gif';
> $org_logo_width  = '0';
> $org_logo_height = '0';
> $org_title     = "Chapman University Webmail [v $version]";
> $signout_page  = '';
> $frame_top     = '_top';
> $provider_uri     = '';
> $provider_name     = 'Chapman University';
> $motd = " At this time all webmail services should be up and
> stable.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br> Should you experience any difficulty with
> webmail, please contact the HelpDesk at (714)997-6600. <br> -- Network
> Operations ";
> $squirrelmail_default_language = 'en_US';
> $default_charset       = 'iso-8859-1';
> $lossy_encoding        = false;
> $domain                 = '';
> $imapServerAddress      = 'localhost';
> $imapPort               = 143;
> $useSendmail            = false;
> $smtpServerAddress      = '';
> $smtpPort               = 25;
> $sendmail_path          = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
> $sendmail_args          = '-i -t';
> $pop_before_smtp        = false;
> $imap_server_type       = 'dovecot';
> $invert_time            = false;
> $optional_delimiter     = 'detect';
> $encode_header_key      = '';
> $default_folder_prefix          = '';
> $trash_folder                   = 'Trash';
> $sent_folder                    = 'Sent';
> $draft_folder                   = 'Drafts';
> $default_move_to_trash          = true;
> $default_move_to_sent           = true;
> $default_save_as_draft          = true;
> $show_prefix_option             = false;
> $list_special_folders_first     = true;
> $use_special_folder_color       = true;
> $auto_expunge                   = true;
> $default_sub_of_inbox           = false;
> $show_contain_subfolders_option = false;
> $default_unseen_notify          = 2;
> $default_unseen_type            = 1;
> $auto_create_special            = true;
> $delete_folder                  = false;
> $noselect_fix_enable            = false;
> $data_dir                 = '/usr/users/webmail/data/';
> $attachment_dir           = '/usr/users/webmail/attachments/';
> $dir_hash_level           = 0;
> $default_left_size        = '150';
> $force_username_lowercase = true;
> $default_use_priority     = true;
> $hide_sm_attributions     = false;
> $default_use_mdn          = true;
> $edit_identity            = false;
> $edit_name                = false;
> $hide_auth_header         = false;
> $allow_thread_sort        = false;
> $allow_server_sort        = false;
> $allow_charset_search     = true;
> $uid_support              = true;
> $plugins[0] = 'newmail';
> $plugins[1] = 'delete_move_next';
> $plugins[2] = 'sent_subfolders';
> $plugins[3] = 'calendar';
> $plugins[4] = 'fortune';
> $plugins[5] = 'message_details';
> $plugins[6] = 'info';
> $plugins[7] = 'squirrelspell';
> $plugins[8] = 'bug_report';
> $plugins[9] = 'translate';
> $plugins[10] = 'listcommands';
> $plugins[11] = 'unsafe_image_rules';
> $plugins[12] = 'forced_prefs';
> $plugins[13] = 'abook_take';
> $plugins[14] = 'administrator';
> $plugins[15] = 'html_mail';
> $plugins[16] = 'filters';
> $plugins[17] = 'mail_fetch';
> $theme_css = SM_PATH . 'themes/css/sans-10.css';
> $theme_default = 52;
> $theme[0]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/default_theme.php';
> $theme[0]['NAME'] = 'Default';
> $theme[1]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/plain_blue_theme.php';
> $theme[1]['NAME'] = 'Plain Blue';
> $theme[2]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/sandstorm_theme.php';
> $theme[2]['NAME'] = 'Sand Storm';
> $theme[3]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/deepocean_theme.php';
> $theme[3]['NAME'] = 'Deep Ocean';
> $theme[4]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/slashdot_theme.php';
> $theme[4]['NAME'] = 'Slashdot';
> $theme[5]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/purple_theme.php';
> $theme[5]['NAME'] = 'Purple';
> $theme[6]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/forest_theme.php';
> $theme[6]['NAME'] = 'Forest';
> $theme[7]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/ice_theme.php';
> $theme[7]['NAME'] = 'Ice';
> $theme[8]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/seaspray_theme.php';
> $theme[8]['NAME'] = 'Sea Spray';
> $theme[9]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/bluesteel_theme.php';
> $theme[9]['NAME'] = 'Blue Steel';
> $theme[10]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/dark_grey_theme.php';
> $theme[10]['NAME'] = 'Dark Grey';
> $theme[11]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/high_contrast_theme.php';
> $theme[11]['NAME'] = 'High Contrast';
> $theme[12]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/black_bean_burrito_theme.php';
> $theme[12]['NAME'] = 'Black Bean Burrito';
> $theme[13]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/servery_theme.php';
> $theme[13]['NAME'] = 'Servery';
> $theme[14]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/maize_theme.php';
> $theme[14]['NAME'] = 'Maize';
> $theme[15]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/bluesnews_theme.php';
> $theme[15]['NAME'] = 'BluesNews';
> $theme[16]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/deepocean2_theme.php';
> $theme[16]['NAME'] = 'Deep Ocean 2';
> $theme[17]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/blue_grey_theme.php';
> $theme[17]['NAME'] = 'Blue Grey';
> $theme[18]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/dompie_theme.php';
> $theme[18]['NAME'] = 'Dompie';
> $theme[19]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/methodical_theme.php';
> $theme[19]['NAME'] = 'Methodical';
> $theme[20]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/greenhouse_effect.php';
> $theme[20]['NAME'] = 'Greenhouse Effect (Changes)';
> $theme[21]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/in_the_pink.php';
> $theme[21]['NAME'] = 'In The Pink (Changes)';
> $theme[22]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/kind_of_blue.php';
> $theme[22]['NAME'] = 'Kind of Blue (Changes)';
> $theme[23]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/monostochastic.php';
> $theme[23]['NAME'] = 'Monostochastic (Changes)';
> $theme[24]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/shades_of_grey.php';
> $theme[24]['NAME'] = 'Shades of Grey (Changes)';
> $theme[25]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/spice_of_life.php';
> $theme[25]['NAME'] = 'Spice of Life (Changes)';
> $theme[26]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/spice_of_life_lite.php';
> $theme[26]['NAME'] = 'Spice of Life - Lite (Changes)';
> $theme[27]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/spice_of_life_dark.php';
> $theme[27]['NAME'] = 'Spice of Life - Dark (Changes)';
> $theme[28]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/christmas.php';
> $theme[28]['NAME'] = 'Holiday - Christmas';
> $theme[29]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/darkness.php';
> $theme[29]['NAME'] = 'Darkness (Changes)';
> $theme[30]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/random.php';
> $theme[30]['NAME'] = 'Random (Changes every login)';
> $theme[31]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/midnight.php';
> $theme[31]['NAME'] = 'Midnight';
> $theme[32]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/alien_glow.php';
> $theme[32]['NAME'] = 'Alien Glow';
> $theme[33]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/dark_green.php';
> $theme[33]['NAME'] = 'Dark Green';
> $theme[34]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/penguin.php';
> $theme[34]['NAME'] = 'Penguin';
> $theme[35]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/minimal_bw.php';
> $theme[35]['NAME'] = 'Minimal BW';
> $theme[36]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/redmond.php';
> $theme[36]['NAME'] = 'Redmond';
> $theme[37]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/netstyle_theme.php';
> $theme[37]['NAME'] = 'Net Style';
> $theme[38]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/silver_steel_theme.php';
> $theme[38]['NAME'] = 'Silver Steel';
> $theme[39]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/simple_green_theme.php';
> $theme[39]['NAME'] = 'Simple Green';
> $theme[40]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/wood_theme.php';
> $theme[40]['NAME'] = 'Wood';
> $theme[41]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/bluesome.php';
> $theme[41]['NAME'] = 'Bluesome';
> $theme[42]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/simple_green2.php';
> $theme[42]['NAME'] = 'Simple Green 2';
> $theme[43]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/simple_purple.php';
> $theme[43]['NAME'] = 'Simple Purple';
> $theme[44]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/autumn.php';
> $theme[44]['NAME'] = 'Autumn';
> $theme[45]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/autumn2.php';
> $theme[45]['NAME'] = 'Autumn 2';
> $theme[46]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/blue_on_blue.php';
> $theme[46]['NAME'] = 'Blue on Blue';
> $theme[47]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/classic_blue.php';
> $theme[47]['NAME'] = 'Classic Blue';
> $theme[48]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/classic_blue2.php';
> $theme[48]['NAME'] = 'Classic Blue 2';
> $theme[49]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/powder_blue.php';
> $theme[49]['NAME'] = 'Powder Blue';
> $theme[50]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/techno_blue.php';
> $theme[50]['NAME'] = 'Techno Blue';
> $theme[51]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/turquoise.php';
> $theme[51]['NAME'] = 'Turquoise';
> $theme[52]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/chapman_theme.php';
> $theme[52]['NAME'] = 'chapman';
> $theme[53]['PATH'] = SM_PATH . 'themes/chapman.php';
> $theme[53]['NAME'] = 'Chapman2';
> $default_use_javascript_addr_book = false;
> $ldap_server[0] = array(
>     'host' => '',
>     'base' => 'dc=chapman,dc=edu',
>     'binddn' => 'uid=AuthManager,ou=People,dc=chapman,dc=edu',
>     'bindpw' => 'goAway'
> );
> $abook_global_file = '';
> $abook_global_file_writeable = false;
> $abook_global_file_listing = true;
> $abook_file_line_length = 2048;
> $addrbook_dsn = '';
> $addrbook_table = 'address';
> $prefs_dsn = '';
> $prefs_table = 'userprefs';
> $prefs_user_field = 'user';
> $prefs_key_field = 'prefkey';
> $prefs_val_field = 'prefval';
> $addrbook_global_dsn = '';
> $addrbook_global_table = 'global_abook';
> $addrbook_global_writeable = false;
> $addrbook_global_listing = false;
> $no_list_for_subscribe = false;
> $smtp_auth_mech = 'none';
> $imap_auth_mech = 'login';
> $use_imap_tls = false;
> $use_smtp_tls = false;
> $session_name = 'SQMSESSID';
> $config_location_base     = '';
> @include SM_PATH . 'config/config_local.php';
> /**
>  * Make sure there are no characters after the PHP closing
>  * tag below (including newline characters and whitespace).
>  * Otherwise, that character will cause the headers to be
>  * sent and regular output to begin, which will majorly screw
>  * things up when we try to send more headers later.
>  */
> ?>

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